GW Previews New Alaitoc Codex Rules

By James Rodriguez | October 20th, 2017 | Categories: Eldar, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Games Workshop just gave us another preview for Codex: Craftworlds, and it looks like Alaitoc and Fire Prisms just got a whole lot better.

Games Workshop revealed another rules preview from Codex: Craftworlds. Let’s take a look at what they had to say about Alaitoc.

The Attribute

40k Craftworld Focus Alaitoc Fieldcraft

The new attribute Fieldcraft is going to help make your Alaitoc units a little tougher against ranged attacks. You opponent is forced to subtract 1 from any hit rolls for attacks that target a unit with this attribute when they are more than 12″ away. This is going to force your opponent’s hand and make him come to you.

40k Craftworld Focus Alaitoc Strata Pathfinders

The Pathfinders Stratagem is going to cost you 1 CP to use, and can be used at the start of an enemy Shooting phase. You’ll pick an Alaitoc Ranger unit in cover, any attacks that target that unit in that phase will only hit on a 6, regardless of modifiers. Rangers are looking like they’re going to be a great unit to have hold objectives with this new Stratagem. They are also seeing a point decrease from 20 down to 12.

40k Craftworld Focus Alaitoc Fire Prism

-1 to hit on a long ranged Heavy weapons platform would be good enough, but the new Craftworlds codex is set to turn this iconic vehicle into one of the best tanks in Warhammer 40,000, both in an Alaitoc army and beyond. Firstly, Pulsed Laser Discharge allows the Fire Prism to fire TWICE when moving under half speed.

40k Craftworld Focus Alaitoc Pulsed Laser

Secondly, if you use multiple Fire Prisms, you can combine their fire for the cost of a command point to take down particularly stubborn targets, whether you’re looking to bring down Lords of War or deliver an infantry-eviscerating storm of dispersed fire.

40k Craftworld Focus Alaitoc Strata Linked Fire


Linked Fire is another new Stratagem that’s costing 1 CP. This Stratagem is going to come in clutch if you have multiple Fire Prisms in your army. You use it after you’ve selected a target for a Fire Prism’s prism cannon. You won’t resolve the attacks until the end of the phase for this weapon. But, every other Fire Prism from your army can link fire with that Fire Prism if it is visible to and within 60″ of them. If they do, they must target the unit that was targeted by the prism cannon of the first Fire Prism. You’ll ignore range, visibility, and re-roll all failed hit and wound rolls. The first Fire Prism will resolve the prism cannon shots at the end of the phase, re-rolling all failed hit and wound rolls if at least one other Fire Prism Linked with it.

Send out a scout Fire Prism, keep your other Fire Prisms out of range, and unload volley after volley on the hard to beat enemy units.

All in all,  Alaitoc is looking like it’s going to be a very great choice for a ranged army. The new Codex: Craftworlds will be available for pre-order tomorrow, so make sure you check back in with us for the latest prices and details.

What do you think about the latest rules preview? Does it have you excited to play your Eldar? Or, does it make you a little worried to play against them? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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