Vostroya Guard Rules & Conscript Change Teasers

VostroyaGames Workshop just gave us another Codex: Astra Militarum teaser. Come take a look at some of the new rules for the Vostroya and conscripts teasers!

GW just gave us our second preview of Codex: Astra Militarum. The new codex will feature rules for 8 regiments. Regimental Doctrines will work along the same line as Chapter Tactics, Legion Traits, and forge world Dogmas. The Regimental Doctrines will reflect the strengths of each regiment and the different fighting styles of the Astra Militarum. Let see what they had to say about Vostroya.

Astra Militarum Vostroyan

The Vostroyan army has a very distinctive look and will turn heads on the tabletop, their play style is no different. This army is dedicated to service and their history, and their weapons and wargear reflect just that. They take pride in their heirlooms, and every soldier is charges into battle with their Heirloom Weapons.Astra Militarum Vostroyan Heirloom Weapons

The Heirloom Weapons Regimental Doctrine add 6″ to the maximum range of Heavy or Rapid Fire weapons they fire which would normally have a range of 24″ or more. This is going to make the range of lasguns 30″ and lascannons 54″. It’ll be hard for your opponent to stay out of range of your guns now. But that won’t keep your opponent away from you forever, and that’s where Repel the Enemy comes into play.

Astra Militarum Vostroyan Repel the Enemy

Repel the Enemy is an order that lets the ordered unit fire any of its weapons while it is within 1″ of the enemy, regardless of weapon type, until the end of the phase. If they choose to attack in the manner, they must target an enemy unit within 1″, even if friendly units are within 1″ of these units. This will really come in handy for fast moving armies that can make it across the table on you before you’re ready, *cough* Orks *cough*. If, and when, that does happen, unload all the ammo you have right in your opponents face!

But what about your Vehicle models? Want to start the game off closer to your opponent to make sure you’re doing damage in the first turn?Astra Militarum Vostroyan Scout Vehicle

Scout Vehicle will do just that! At the start of the first battle round, but before the first turn begins, you can move a unit with this trait up to 9″. However, you cannot end that unit’s move within 9″ of an enemy model. But will you really need to? This is going to let you get in close, and do so really fast. This will also give you a little more time to protect your guys in the back that are unleashing the full power of their guns from an extra 6″ away. It’ll help slow your enemy down and keep your Character and Infantry models alive that much longer. But, if they make it past your Scout Sentinels Go! Recon! will be a Stratagem you’ll want to keep in your back pocket.

Astra Militarum Vostroyan Go Recon

This Stratagem is going to work out great for both offense and defense. For 1 CP you can use this Stratagem at the start of your Shooting phase. A unit of Scout Sentinels, of your choice, can immediately move 2D6″ but can’t shoot or charge that turn. This will be a great way to set up that first line of defense and keep that range that the Vostroyans like.

The Vostroyan regiment is looking like a very well rounded army. They’re getting bonuses to the range of their guns, able to fire at enemy units within 1″ with the Repel the Enemy order, and can move extremely fast in a time of need with the Go! Recon! Stratagem.

Everything we’ve seen about the Imperial Guard so far is really making them seem like an army to be feared on the tabletop. It’s going to be really hard to get in close without losing half your models.

Make sure you check back in with us tomorrow when they reveal teasers for Valhallans, the highly anticipated changes to conscripts. We’ll also be seeing the return of a “classic and much-loved” rule.

What do you think about the latest teaser for Codex: Astra Militarum?

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