GW Reveals More On New Tau Commander Shadowsun!

gerater-good-psychic-awakeningThe Xenos we have always wanted! Commander Shadowsun has been officially previewed at Games Workshop’s New Years Open day! Here’s the latest for Tau…

Warhammer Community previewed a ton of new Sisters of Battle, Tau Shadowsun, and more Beastgrave and Age of Sigmar for 2020!

new years open day games workshop warhammer

2019 was an incredible year for Warhammer, with new games, new armies, and the first of the new plastic Sisters of Battle. Today, we’re at the New Year Open Day, getting a sneak peek at what’s coming in 2020 for the Mortal Realms and the grim darkness of the far future…

GW Previews More On New Primaris Captain Model

The Model Revealed:

O’Shaserra, better known as Commander Shadowsun, is getting an awesome new model!

Her newly up-gunned battlesuit now comes equipped as standard with an arsenal of weapons, from a flechette launcher to light missile pod, and the choice of tank-busting high-energy fusion blasters or Space Marine-melting dispersed fusion blasters. Shadowsun is also accompanied by her trusty pair of high-tech drones which bring with them a suite of handy tactical abilities.

Tau Commander Shadowsun Model for 2020

We had seen the teaser image but I’m not sure anyone was prepared for a new Shadowsun model. Let’s check out all the options she’s coming with!

shadowsun commander 2020

Best of all, as befits this iconic hero of the empire, she can now lead any Sept, not just those of her homeworld, so she can take command of any T’au Empire collection***. We think she’ll look right at home at the head of a strike force of Stealth Suits and Ghostkeels.

Hobby heroes Fauxhammer and Garro were at the event and shared some great pictures of the model as well:

The version in the case at New Years Open appears to be sans her hair from this angle.

It also looks from the official GW pics and these display case ones, there may be as many as three head variants as well!


These painted shots add more depth to the model, and from this angle she appears a bit “squat”.



Pictured above is the box packaging, sprues, and concept art as well.

Shadowsun drops in alongside the release of book 5 of Psychic Awakening, titled “The Greater Good”, but we’ll have to wait a little bit longer before we find out who the T’au will be up against.

We would imagine she’ll be seeing a $40 price tag attached to her upon release in February.

What do you think of the new Shadowsun? Who do you think they will be up against in the new supplement?

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