GW Recruiting For New ‘Eavy Metal Painters Program!

gw-hiring-painter-presenterGW has created a new system to keep an eye on painting talent to hire which could lead to new ‘Eavy Metal Painters.

Can you paint like a madman? Want to show off your skills? Well, then this program may be for you. It will give you a feel for how the GW ‘Eavy Metal team works, plus if you’d like the job, you may go to the front of the line when they are hiring painting talent.

Let’s take a look at the details!

GW Wants You For Their New ‘Eavy Metal Painters Program!

dark angels model action shotLet’s hear about who they are looking for and what they expect:

Do you love painting Warhammer Miniatures?

Are you passionate about painting to the highest possible standard? 

Do you want to pursue a career in the ‘Eavy Metal team? 

If you’ve answered yes to all of those questions you may be exactly what we are looking for….

Although we are not actively recruiting at the moment, we have developed a programme to help identify and develop new talent for the future. If you are selected to join, you will be given painting assignments. Upon successful completion of the assignments, you will be provided with written, objective, professional feedback from our ‘Eavy Metal team.

Successfully joining this programme will allow you to find out if this is the right career for YOU. If you want a long and productive career with Games Workshop, this could help you decide!

How to Apply:

psycomancerApply below with a short letter or video telling us why you want to join the talent programme and become an ‘Eavy Metal Painter.  In addition, we require high-quality and clear pictures of your work – please upload these with your application. All applications go straight to the design team.

Apply today and take the next steps to making your dream career a reality!

Working at GW

Looks like a fun opportunity for someone to help make the game we love that much better!

Will you be applying for this? Do you think working as a professional painter would be fun?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today