More Alternative Liber Daemonica Primaris Bits Unboxing

Liber Daemonica bits rThese new Alternative Liber Daemonica bits for Guard, Primaris Space Marines, and Redemptors have made it to the studio!

The hobby maniacs over at Liber Daemonica have been a great painting studio for some time now. Recently, they’ve gone also gone the retail route and added a store to their lineup as well.

Today Rob is taking a look at the site and a bunch of the bits they have to upgrade your armies! We are going to show you everything that the kits come with, how long they take to build, and some size comparisons. That way you can decide if these are worth your hard-earned hobby dollars. 

Liber Daemonica Bits Have it All: Unboxing & Build

Liber Daemonica bits 2Their new site is really well laid out and smooth. They have all kinds of bits on there and it also has multiple sections for so many different factions! 

Liber Daemonica bits 3They also have tons of really cool Redemtor upgrade kits that change the look and feel of your dreads in seconds! They are also really reasonable price-wise, which is always nice!

Painted Bits

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Liber Daemonica bits 6Obviously, since they started out as a commission painting company, they have some amazingly painted bits. We’ll check out how they look without a paint job soon, but yours can look this cool, whether you paint them or have them do it for you.

Guard Bits

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Liber Daemonica bits 8They have a ton of Guard bits on the site, they only sent Rob the legs for now, but you can see just how detailed they are. You can either use these to build entirely new squads or update your existing ones. If you’re cutting off the little extra bits, Rob recommends putting blue-tac all around the piece you are cutting, so that way it absorbs the impact and keeps the piece from going flying.


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Liber Daemonica bits 10The shields look amazing and you can tell what legions they are for! The amount of detail they put into them will really make your minis stand out on the tabletops.

Redemptor Kits

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Liber Daemonica bits 12If you hate Xenos, this is the perfect kit for you! They have so much detail and just look awesome even by themselves.

Liber Daemonica bits 13Don’t worry though, they haven’t forgotten about other chapters!

Assembled Bits

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Liber Daemonica bits 15The shields fit on super easily, are perfectly sized and just look amazing when they are put onto a mini! They also fit on without issue, which is always a plus when converting minis.

Liber Daemonica bits 16The Guard legs also look very dynamic and fit on perfectly.

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Liber Daemonica bits 18The Dread upgrade kit also fits on without issue and man, they make the model look so much cooler in seconds! They just really transform the model so quickly and make the painting of them even more fun.

If you want to see everything they are coming out with, and have for sale right now, check it out here!

Click to Get Your Liber Daemonica Miniatures Here

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