Living in the Shadows of Commorragh: Mandrake Lore

Mandrakes are strange humanoid creatures that harness their power from the fear of their enemies before slinking back into the darkness.

Mandrake lore is shrouded in mystery, as the Mandrakes are themselves. Nobody knows exactly what they even are. But when the Dark Eldar go on real space raids, the Mandrakes are often employed to help. But the Mandrakes need to join these raids as they live off the fear and pain of others. Get your best shadowy costume out and let’s learn about some lore!

The Origins

Their true origin has always been shrouded in mystery, but there are plenty of people who speculate.  Some Eldar believes they are descendants of beings living in the Warp before the fall of the Aeldari. Are they right, maybe. But if they are it means the Eldar were more connected to Daemons than they would like to admit.

A more outlandish, but somehow more acceptable thought, is that they are descended from a forbidden pleasure cult from before the fall. In this theory, it is thought that they found a way to escape the fall by fleeing into a shadow realm buried deep within the immaterial elements of the Galaxy.  When they finally reemerged in the real world, they had changed beyond all recognition. Shadowy beasts who had taken on more elements of the Warp than the real world. And you know if Dark Eldar thinks they are something strange, they really must be!

The Absence of Light

The Mandrakes are believed to take on the form of one shadow to the next. Never fully materializing in the real world but instead manifest the darkness of the world. Not only do they inhabit shadows, but they are also believed to truly be the absence of light. When they appear all the light seems to be nowhere to be seen. They don’t reflect light or ever change, they are pure darkness.

Their flesh is the purest dark, only highlighted by glowing runes. The only way you know they are near is by a strange cold that overtakes the environment and a serious feeling of dread. Why do such creatures align with the Dark Eldar? They need to feed on the pain and anguish of others to survive! If you believe the myths, they are nearly ageless and as long as they continue to feed on the fears of others, they may never die. Even the Druhkari hate being next to them, but they make such great shock troops they are constantly employed.

Some say the Mandrakes have their own agenda, and when they collect enough skulls they will change the galaxy. If you believe such tales, who knows how long they have to go, and what their true goal is.

Learn More About the Dark Eldar Here!