More New Orks? GW Rumor Engine SPOTTED!

gw rumor engineAnother rumor engine is here which means it’s time to break down the possibilities. This bit may be for the Orks, so take a look with us.

Warhammer Community dropped another rumor engine right on-time showing some kind of bit that looks a little Orky. We know Saga of the Beast is looming closeby so the possibility of a new Ork unit is definitely there!

More New Orks? GW Rumor Engine SPOTTED!

rumor engine 3-10-2020Jumping straight into a first look at the bit, there’s just something about it that doesn’t look like the Imperium. It’s obviously not for anything Aeldari or Age of Sigmar. Which leaves us with that brutal savagery only the Orks know how to flex. While the bit is fairly “clean” (i.e there aren’t any big mufflers, old hoses, big bolts that we usually see with Ork tech), the saw/hook combo looks like a polearm we can see a bunch of Nobz using in battle.

killa kan 2If you look closely, the Killa Kan’s saw arm is about a 90% match to the new mystery bit. It just looks like it was shrunken down and thrown on the end of a wrapped-polearm. Seeing a clear design similarity with some other Ork tech, we could have a new melee unit of Orks lurking in the shadows.

gazghkull ragnar box set saga of the beastLooking at this Saga of the Beast preview shot of Ragnar, Gazghkull, and a few other units, some say this is part of a new Box Set that may be on the way.

saga of the beast box set rumors

We’ve actually talked about this and broke down why we think there could be a Box Set in store. If you total up everything in the picture, we’re sitting at about $110 less value than previous Box Sets, which is one reason why we think GW cropped some new units out of the frame.

Or it all could just be a coincidence…

It’s bold, but do you think this bit might go to a unit that’ll be revealed very soon?

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