New 40k Imperial Guard Cadian Rules Revealed by GW!

new-imperial-guardGW just revealed a bunch of new 40k Imperial Guard Cadian rules, including weapons, profiles, and more for Warhammer 40k.

With the new army box hitting pre-order next week, it’s nice to get an idea of what the models inside can do! These rules previews all pertain to the contents of the Army box, so it will be nice to compare them to the newest rules rumors!

If they are all right, then you know there is a good chance the rest of them are pretty close.

New 40k Imperial Guard Cadian Rules Revealed by GW!

Warhammer Community just unveiled the latest rules, including profiles, stratagems, weapons, and more for the Cadians!

Imperial Guard Cadain Rules

The backbone of this force are two 10-man squads of Cadian Shock Troops. Cadians are drilled from birth with an aggressive fighting doctrine that has them storming breaches like the Death Korps of Krieg dig trenches. These sterling soldiers do away with cumbersome Heavy Weapons Teams in favour of a second special weapon – but even Shock Troops armed with the faithful lasgun can take a heavy toll from their foes.

If you can get off 20 shots from a single unit, this should net you 3-4 extra hits, and there’s nothing wrong with getting more hits! Also, they tease that the Death Korps of Krieg will get more rules and pay attention to more coming soon.

So keep an eye out for your regiment’s new Guard rules soon!

Imperial Guard Cadain Rules 2

Cadian Command Squads have such a proud history of command that almost all Astra Militarum field officers follow their example. Regimental standard held high, these veterans remind their soldiers of Cadia’s tragic sacrifice – ensuring that even those troops not recruited from the bastion world can take Vengeance for Cadia.

Adding 1 to wound rolls is a welcome addition to the fight against CHAOS – whether your soldiers are gunning down warp-shielded daemons or blood-crazed Space Marines.

For 1 Command Point, this can really improve your chances actually to do something against Chaos units! Getting an extra +1 to wound is no joke, so hopefully, this will really help you avenge Cadia!

Field Ordnance Batteries Rules

Imperial Guard Cadain Rules 3

When small arms aren’t enough, Field Ordnance Batteries batter enemy lines from afar with rockets, shells, and las blasts. Though calling them ‘man-portable’ might be a bit of a stretch – at least without the combined efforts of all three crew members – these massive field guns are some of the most powerful weapons not bolted to a tank chassis.

This is going to be perfect for taking out light infantry, as against weaker units, you will be wounding on 2’s and averaging about 9-10 shots. If you have three of these bad boys, you could pump out 30 shots pretty regularly.

Imperial Guard Cadain Rules 4

The malleus rocket launcher is perfect for shredding alien hordes, while the heavy lascannon punches holes in big armour, and the bombast field gun lobs shells at foes from behind cover. There are no wrong choices here – when you have a hammer this big, every heretic is a nail.

With two shots, hopefully, you hit with one, and then ten strength should almost always give you the advantage to wound. If you get lucky (maybe really lucky), this could take down a tank in one go.

Bombast Field Gun

If you want something to kill marines, this might be the way to go. As D2 is becoming more important than ever, it’s also pretty versatile, so might be able to ping some wounds off stronger enemies.

New Sentinel Profile

Imperial Guard Cadain Rules 6

If you’re after something more mobile, look no further than Sentinels. Everyone loves these bipedal bad boys – fast firepower on a budget with some serious style. The new-look model is faster, tougher, and fightier than ever before – check out the substantially improved statline on the Scout Sentinel.

With more movement, Strength, Toughness, Wounds, and attacks, these should be harder to take down than before and actually get where they need to go faster.

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

What do you think about all the new Imperial Guard Cadian rules? 

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