New 40k Orks Wurrboyz Psykers Revealed by GW!

40k-orks-wal-hor-titleThe WAAAAGH! is drawing close and the time for krumpin is almost here as GW revealed another new character in the way of the 40k Ork Wurrboyz!

Warhammer Community just unveiled the newest addition to the Ork line, which at this point is getting a truly massive overhaul. The Wurrboyz are psykers on the battlefield, but when they aren’t fighting, they are using their powers to drive the Beast Snaggas to the biggest, meanest monsters around.

It looks like they will know their own set of powers, and specifically, their powers differ from Da Jump. They originally said all the Beast Snagga minis would be in the first big box release, so these may just help out the Beast Snaggas and not be dedicated to them.

Wurrboy 2Let’s first look at the most recent reveal of new Ork boys, then get to the Wurrboyz.

New Warhammer 40k Orks Boyz Models SPOTTED

Spotted on various forums and Discords, these are said to be new Ork Boyz from the side of the Gaunt’s Ghost box and features the new Cadian Shokk troopers (with upgrades) squaring off against some hulking physiques of greenskins. Now we know this is true! 

New Orks Boyz 2021Just as a quick refresher here is the current Ork Boyz, circa the mid-2000s:

orks boyz kit


So while the Boyz that looked new have a little bit different stature to their form, their weapons, and armor appear to be very similar to the current kit, right down to optional ejecting shell bits.

New Ork Boyz

Speaking of rumours and legends, some of you with the eyes of skilled Tanith marksmen noted something unusual on the new Gaunt’s Ghosts box at the weekend. Are those new Ork Boyz pictures fighting the Cadian Shock Troops on the back of the box? Yes, they are! We’ll save you squinting at a grainy pic, here is one of da new Boyz in all their glory. First Beast Snaggas and now new Boyz – 2021 looks like the year to be green…

This is the new pic from GW. So now we have a blurry vision from the back of the Gaut’s Ghosts box and now one of the boyz models from the front!

assassins-bundle-featureGet All Four Assassins For The Price of One Now!

They have a very similar feel to the old Orks (hooray) but do have some nice updates. This is the only pic they released, for now, so we’ll have to wait and see what the whole box will end up looking like.

New 40k Ork Wurrboyz Psykers Revealed by GW!

WurrboyKnown as the Wurrboyz, these unsavory characters channel Waaagh! energy in its most primal, animalistic form, unleashing roiling storms of psychic energy through their foes that leave them as little more than shriveled husks, or worse…  

Looks like GW thought Orks needed more psychic support, and we’re excited about it! The model is pretty simple while still looking great with dynamic posing. They mention it will have more than one power, but only showed one so far. Still, it’s pretty interesting.

Wurrboy rulesThe powers channeled by these bestial psykers stand apart from the usual stomping feet of Gork and random teleportation employed by other Weirdboyz. By far the most alarming of these is the ability to transform enemy soldiers into mindless, biting squigs who proceed to cause havoc among their own lines.

This is honestly a pretty decent power. While you’ll have to get him close to use it, it can dish out some serious damage, especially to something that your Orks would normally have a hard time killing. Then, if they are in range of a few other units, you could pretty readily dish out 5-7 Mortals with this as long as you don’t roll like trash, if you do, maybe it’s just time to charge in with everything at once and hope for the best.

Wurrboy rules 2If you can hit with this, it will dish out some serious damage. They can really pack a punch if you can get off the power and a hit or two with this! Lastly, they mention some kind of new transportation device, so hopefully next week we get to see some updated Trukks!

What do you think about the new psyker? Are you excited about new vehicles for the Orks?

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