New 40k Rumors, LOTR & Death Guard Rules LATEST

weekend-newsHere are all the new releases, previews, rumors, and more from the weekend, plus the latest from the top manufacturers around!

These were the biggest announcements from the wargaming hobby, along with our expert commentary from the third weekend of 2021! Let’s take a look at what you may have missed for Warhammer and the latest releases for tabletop wargaming in general!

Death Guard Codex Datasheet 40k Rules Changes LATEST!

This is the big one! New Death Guard datasheet rules changes are here in their 9th Edition codex- check out how your games might change! Read More


All The Hot New Death Guard Stratagems 40k Rules

Don’t miss all the new Chaos Death Guard 40k Stratagems rules from their new codex and see what to spend your CP on now!! Read More

Conquest Feature r
Sci-Fi ATV - Dark Age Designs
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Heresylab feature r

And that’s it for all the latest 40k rumors and releases for wargaming in general. Don’t forget to keep your eyes glued to Spikey Bits for what else the gaming world is throwing at you this week.

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