New Chaos Hammer Time: GW Rumor Engine

Rumor Engine new GW header wal horA new GW rumor engine is here that looks that could be a hammer for Chaos that’s on the way, but add the normal amount of salt…

Games Workshop just unveiled another rumor engine and this time it looks like a devastating hammer.

Check out the details of the latest model that looks to be on the way for 40k or AoS from Warhammer Community.

New Chaos Hammer Time: GW Rumor Engine

At first glance, this seems to resemble a Sigmar/Stormcast hammer. However, the comet doesn’t look quite right and there’s definitely some chaos trim in there… Maybe this is a form of mockery?

This could be a 40k Chaos piece, as there are tons of rumors for the next year, and the tendrils on the backside of the hammer seem to point in that direction. The similarities to the twin-tailed comet however make an AoS release still a possibility as well.

chosenA good contender for 40k is the Chosen CSM. They got these kits a while ago in the Dark Vengence box, but haven’t ever gotten any love after, meaning they never even got official access to their whole weapon kit selection. Once again, rumors call for some a chosen kit, but that requires a double dosage of salt.

Either way, the Chosen are sweet models and could really use an update. This hammer might point to them finally getting their own box release with their full range of weapons available to them.

40k RUMORS: Huge New Chaos Space Marines Release For 9th Edition

What do you think this is? 

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