New Codex AM Dual Orders & Traits SPOTTED

imperial guard hor walToday we’re getting a look at more of the new Orders and Warlord Traits that will be available in the new Astra Militarum codex. 

The new codex will feature rules for 8 regiments. Regimental Doctrines will work along the same line as Chapter Tactics, Legion Traits, and forge world Dogmas. The Regimental Doctrines will reflect the strengths of each regiment and the different fighting styles of the Astra Militarum. FLG revealed a lot of rules from the new codex in their latest review. But for now we want to focus on the new Orders and Warlord Traits.

Astra Militarum Company or Platoon Commanders have the Voice of Command special rule which allows them to give out Orders to friendly <regiment> Infantry and Vehicle models. However, if you give the Master of Command Warlord Trait (see below) to a character model to give them the ability as well.

We recently got a look at the big change to Conscripts which is limiting their unit max to 30 models, and they now receive Orders on a 4+.

So, let’s take a look at all of the new Orders for Infantry units:Astra Militarum Mordian

  • Take Aim!: Re-roll hit rolls of 1 for the unit.
  • First Rank, Fire! Second Rank, Fire!: Changes Lasguns and Hot-shot Lasguns to Rapid Fire 2.
  • Bring it Down!: Re-roll wound rolls of 1.
  • Forwards, for the Emperor!: Ordered unit may shoot even if it advanced.
  • Get Back in the Fight!: Ordered unit may shoot even if it Fell Back.
  • Move! Move! Move!: Instead of shooting, the unit may move+advance but cannot charge.
  • Fix Bayonets!: The ordered unit may fight as if it were the fight phase.

There’s a lot of Orders that are going to help give your Infantry units a leg up over your opponent offensively. Fix Bayonets is going to be a great way to attack earlier in the turn and take out some models before your opponents has a time to charge you. But, if you are already in combat Get Back in the Fight is going to let you Fall Back and still get some shots off. Or maybe you’re opponent is just out of range of your gun’s range, Forward, For the Emperor lets you shoot even if you advance. No matter what the Guard Infantry look like they’re really getting a boost to their shooting strengths, and we can’t wait to see them on the table top.

But the Infantry isn’t all the Astra Militarum has to offer. Let’s see what Orders their Vehicle models will be able to receive.Leman Russ Tank Guard Astra Militarum


  • Full Throttle!: The model can move+advance instead of shooting.
  • Gunners, Kill on Sight!: Re-roll hit rolls of 1 for the unit.
  • Strike and Shroud!: The unit can shoot and then pop smoke.

So, not nearly the amount of options as the infantry, but still some nice options to have. You can get up in your opponent’s face, or fall back to protect your army, with Full Throttle, re-roll hit rolls of 1 with Gunners, Kill on Sight, or shoot then Pop Smoke with Strike and Shroud.

These new orders are going to work out great with all of the new Stratagems and Heirlooms we saw yesterday. Particullar

Warlord Traits are going to be another great way for Guard players to beef up their armies.guard walpaper

  • Grand Strategist: Your Warlord can re-roll a single hit, wound or save, once per battle. Additionally, for every Command Point you spend, on a 5+ it is refunded.
  • Old Grudges: After deployment, choose an enemy unit. Friendly Astra Militarum units within 6″ of your warlord can re-roll failed wound rolls when attacking that unit.
  • Implacable Determination: Your warlord and a single friendly units within 3″ automatically advance 6.”
  • Draconian Disciplinarian: Re-roll failed morale tests for friendly AM units within 6.”
  • Bellowing Voice: Add 3″ to the range of aura abilities.
  • Master of Command: Warlord gains the Voice of Command ability or Tank Orders if a tank, if they already have that ability, they gain an additional Order.

Warlord Traits are going to be a great way to get the most out of your Guard army. Grand Strategist is going to be a great option for your commander allowing them to re-roll a single hit, wound, or save roll once per battle. You will also get the chance of getting Command Points back on a 5+ for every CP you spend. Old Grudges is going to be a great way to put pressure on your opponent in the beginning of the game letting you choose and enemy unit, after deployment, and friend Astra Militarum units within 6″ of your warlord can re-roll failed wound rolls when attacking that unit. That is going to help you take down those high wound models a lot quicker. No matter what aspect of your army you want to focus on their is going to be a Warlord Trait to help you out.

For more new rules and content revealed concerning the Codex: Astra Militarum, check out our previous article of our coverage of the Warhammer Twitch stream.

What do you think about the latest reveals for Codex: Astra Militarum? Are the conscript changes enough to bring balance to the meta?

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