That kinda came out of nowhere, but let’s dive right in folks!
First off the FAQ’s are back on Games Workshops site, so update your bookmarks.
Games Workshop just released new FAQs for a few armies in 40k, and one for Fantasy (Daemons)
Warhammer 40k
Chaos Daemons (update from a White Dwarf)
Let’s take a closer look at some of the bigger changes in these FAQs.
First off it looks like GW is trying to clarify how to move models to ‘in most cases’ prevent large multi-assaults.
They also clear up that double/double problem with tank hunters and rending (allll the 6’s). Plus some new restrictions on infiltrators.
Skimmers now cant jink if they are ‘huge’ vehicles or if they are immobilized.
Space Wolves seem like the big winners with the entry clarification of Cyber Wolves being Toughness 5 now! That’s a HUGE boon to larger groups of bikes and Thunderwolves.
The big clarification I’m still waiting for is the Necron Command Barge being able to restore hull points on a ‘5,6’ (It will not die) and on what looks to be a separate roll of ‘6’ for a separate rule with Living Metal.
What clarifications are you looking for?