New Imperial Walkway Bases from Elrik’s Hobbies

Imperial Walkway Bases Feature rTake your battles to a new locale and level up your army with these awesome Imperial Walkway Bases from Elrik’s Hobbies!

If you are grabbing a new army of Imperial force, why not go the extra mile and get some great-looking bases as well? Or just have a force that loves to raid the Imperium.

Elriks’s Hobbies have all kinds of amazing-looking bases to really make any army look the best they can, check out some of their other releases here. Today though we’re going to take a look at their newest bases that have a ton of variety.

If want to make your army stand out without too much work, themed bases like these are perfect. These awesome bases are an affordable way to change the look of your army in one simple change. Let’s take a closer look at the bases!

Imperial Walkway Bases- 25mm: $10.50

Imperial Walkway Bases 40There is so much detail in every little part of these bases. These are just an easy way to set your army apart and make your fellow Imperial players jealous! Just to note, these are just a sample of all the sizes they have, but they basically have any size you could want. Anything from 25mm all the way up to 170mm.

Walkway Bases- 40mm: $8.00

Imperial Walkway Bases 40The bigger the bases go, the more detail they can put into every one. One of the other great parts about these is that they look fairly simple to paint. Any scheme you throw on your troops will work perfectly with these as well.

Walkway Bases- 90mm: $9.00

Imperial Walkway Bases 90As you can see, the bigger and bigger you go, the better the bases get. There’s just so much detail added to every little inch. Also, with how raised all the pieces are, they make for either a simple wash and drybrush or a serious painting challenge.

That does it for this one! If you’ve been looking for some great-looking bases for your army, you have to check out Elrik’s Bases!

Get Your Imperial Walkway Bases From Elrik’s Hobbies Here!