New Von Ryan’s Leapers Jump Into 10th Edition Warhammer 40k!

Von Ryan’s Leapers featureMore Tyranids reveals are here; this time, the Von Ryan’s Leapers are ready to hunt some Space Marines in 10th Edition Warhammer 40k!

Well, it looks like another model from the teaser video is coming to life with a new model! These are made to be clandestine hunters, and with the Hive Mind ever-expanding, it only makes sense to see new bugs! This is just really cool for all Nid players, as it’s been a long time since we’ve really seen a big rework of the line.

Unfortunately, they didn’t show off the rules for them this time, but we expect to see them soon!  Here are the quick links to the latest for 10th Edition Warhammer 40k and the full articles below!

Now let’s jump into the new minis!

New Tyranids Von Ryan’s Leapers Jump Into 10th Edition Warhammer 40k!

The models come from Warhammer Community.

Von Ryan’s Leapers

We thought the new Space Marines Lieutenant was stealthy, but he’s just the product of decades of training in the art of subterfuge. By comparison, a new creature unleashed by the Tyranids has been spawned and evolved to become one of the galaxy’s ultimate hunters.

These definitely look scary, and when compared with the video teaser, they look even more frightening!

10th edition Tyranids 5The video is a little blurry (well, just the screenshot of them attacking), but you can see all the model elements! Don’t worry; they also show more in the video below.

Von Ryan’s Leapers 2


Von Ryan’s Leapers 3

The Hive Mind has numerous ways of waging war – overwhelming the foe with hordes of Termagants, melting bastions apart with the living artillery of the Tyrannofex, or by ambushing with more subtle fear-inducing organisms such as the Lictor. Added to this last list are the Von Ryan’s Leapers. These creatures are the ultimate ambush predators, though they’re just as dangerous when jumping out from behind things that aren’t bushes.

It looks like there will be three models in the kit, and if you remember, these have been mentioned in lore a few times.

von ryans leaper

They were mentioned long ago in the TCG, and the old 4th Edition codex book as “an evolution of the Hormagaunt.” Now, having a model for them is fantastic.

von ryans leaper evolution

This gives some hope for older models mentioned in old 3rd-5th edition codexes, but don’t get your sights set too high; we don’t expect to see a Catachan devil or Fenrisian Kraken anytime soon.

Von Ryan’s Leapers 4

Von Ryan’s Leapers are swift, agile, and utterly lethal. When the time is right, they emerge to eviscerate their unfortunate enemies in a murderous fury. As ambush predators, they have much in common with Lictors, but rather than being lonewolves, these are pack-hunters.

This means there is still a chance for new Lictors, and having a pack of three of these come at you has to be scarier. You’ll have more ways than ever to hunt down Space Marines!

Check out the latest for Warhammer 40k 10th Edition, new releases, rules, rumors, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

    All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

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