New Warhammer 40k Kill Team Box Set & Rework!

Kill team feature r (1)GW just previewed a massive Warhammer 40k Kill Team rework and even mentioned a new box that looks to feature Orks and DKoK!

Warhammer Community just unveiled an amazing new video to announce an overhaul to the skirmish game. The best part? Orks and  Death Korps of Krieg are featured in it! We’ve been saying for a while they would be updating Guard and now it looks to be coming true! So whether you love Orks, Guard, or just Kill Team, this is quite the announcement!

They didn’t say much about the launch box or release date quite yet, but we expect it will be a big part of the preview tomorrow. Let’s jump into what we know so far!

Warhammer 40k Kill Team Getting Huge Rework & New Box!

Wait a minute, was that the Death Korps of Krieg battling Ork Kommandos?! You’d better believe it!

If you haven’t seen the video, we really recommend you do, because it’s simply awesome and bloody! The DKoK are trying to blow up a type of factory, but the Orks aren’t going to let that happen! While the video is totally badass, let’s look at some of the info they gave us about the release of the game.

Warhammer 40k Kill TeamThe ultimate reimagining of Warhammer 40,000’s iconic skirmish game – Kill Team – is on the way. This is a brand new game, wholly redesigned to capture the brutality of special-ops combat in the 41st Millennium. Whether you’re a raw recruit or returning specialist, if you like the idea of crack squads of geared-up operatives hunting each other through the bullet-riddled war zones of Warhammer 40,000, you’re going to love it.

Warhammer 40k Kill Team 2They say the game is going to be fully revamped into a basically brand new game. We’re not really sure where they are going to take it, but with new minis involved in the release, we’re sure it will get people pretty amped. Plus, they seem to be putting a bigger focus on a bloodier game, so maybe much more fast-paced.

Warhammer 40k Kill Team 4We can’t wait to share more. All we can say right now is that there’s a massive launch box coming, and it’s coming soon!

We’re not sure quite how big the box will be, but since it’s kicking off a basically brand new version, we expect it to be awesome! We don’t have long to wait now as the preview is tomorrow, so for now, enjoy the video and come back tomorrow to see everything revealed!

When to Watch the Preview

octarius sector times previewOf course, we will also have you covered here at Spikey Bits if you want to see our coverage along with some extra context/commentary.

We all expect this to be heavily 40k focused, however, they might sneak in some previews for other game systems as well so be sure to tune in! However, there are also some rumors floating around…

Will you tune into the Preview? Are you excited for a reworked Kill Team?

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