RUMORS: 9th Edition Warhammer 40k 2020 Or 2021?

chaos-wal-hor-space-marines-word-bearers-dark-apostleGrab your salt shakers because even more rumors of 9th Edition Warhammer 40k are here for the holidays. Don’t miss the latest fresh rumors from the mill…

We have seen rumors of a pseudo-9th edition 40k on the way. However, it looks like even more rumors are beginning to circle the web. Get caught up on the earlier rumors as well as the latest that people are beginning to talk about.

Earlier Rumors of New 40k Edition Arise

necron wal hor

Chapter Master Valrak on B&C dropped some added info on what we can expect to see about the rumored “new 40k edition”.

next summer 9th edition, marines and Necrons.

I wouldn’t expect it to be like 8th edition. More like AOS 2.0 where all the books stay current with the exception of the main rule book which is fine-tuned. 
From a business point of view having a new edition, next year seems like the only logical outcome in my opinion.
As far as his source goes, he claims to have been right about a few other previous rumors which have since been gathering popularity. GW products like Faith and Fury and Slaves to Darkness support. Looking at the rumors themselves, it looks like 8th edition could be taking a turn to AoS 2.0 where “all the books stay current”.
Could this mean that all the units’ datasheets will have a flat wound roll to make regardless of what they’re targetting? Will charges alternate back and forth like they do in AoS?

Psychic Awakening To 40k 9th Edition?

space marine wal championSpotted on BoLS, the source of an Industry Insider mentioned:

  • Psychic Awakening is setting the framework/testing what’s ahead for 9th edition.
  • The Psychic Phase is getting reworked. (Which might be why we haven’t seen much psychic support in Psychic Awakening).
  • Keywords will be reworked.
  • More aspects of AoS will be ported over into the game. (We still don’t know about flat wound rolls).
  • More codex supplements will continue to come out before 9th Edition drops.
  • Look for 9th Edition 40k to hit sometime in 2020.

Warhammer 9th Edition Psychic Powers?

primaris psyker hor wal guard angry frustratedComing from BoLS once again, there is even more that’s being tacked on to the rumor details from above.

  • About four faction supplement books are left before the new edition arrives. (probably once Psychic Awakening concludes)
  • Endless Psychic Powers are coming. Similar to Endless Spells in AoS. (This would make sense to see with the new “awakening” of Psykers across real-space).
  • The Endless Psychic Powers will be coming in a small box set similar to Malign Sorcery in AoS when Endless Spells were first introduced.
  • Flyers might be getting a total rework on how they operate.

All of these changes seem reasonable and nothing is standing out as too far-fetched. It would definitely be interesting to see the psychic phase expanded on with new “endless powers” moving beyond Psychic Awakening.

Extra Salt Needed: Fresh 9th Edition Rumors & More Emerge

salt pileIn the wake of all the rumors from above, the latest batch of rumors comes from Faeit 212, which mentioned the source as “anonymous” and pulls more info from comments “that were later deleted“. With those two points mentioned above, it seems very easily-fakable. But jumping right in, they had these three points to make:

the rumour of 2 30k Primarchs (Angron and Fulgrim) returning next year

some comments (later removed) about the article of the Psychic Awakening II Book extra tales containing the “Emperor Angelicus”

This 8th edition is scheduled to stay till half of 2021,
Events within the company could bring 9th even to summer 2020 with few months notice.

Breaking all of the latest rumors down, and remember to talk a healthy dose of salt along with it, it appears that Loyalists aren’t getting any new Primarchs soon. With 9th edition on the horizon for 2021, Fulgrim and Angron may be the next two big models releases between now and then. It would make sense to see those to characters appear first as they’ve been consistently mentioned time and time again in different GW supplements. (Fulgrim way more than Angron).

While Fulgrim has always been mentioned in reports from things like Guard regiments being destroyed or the insane newly-birthed Psykers from Psychic Awakening, Angron has really only ever been mentioned in regards to some kind of  vague summoning act by Cultists.

What Could Bring About 9th Edition?

SaltSo with two more Daemon Primarchs mentioned, what could usher in a change to 9th edition rules? Faeit had this to say:

so far in WH40K 8th edition, for the Empire – as written in the “Emperor Angelicus” comments – the settings was not so dark as previously (despite the Nihil Empire, the Cicatrix and  so forth), but the real tempest will arrive after the end of the Psychic Awakening Series (scheduled to last a year from number 1) when we are supposed to see first something like Vigilus in size and scope, and that will be the grand finale that will lead to the 9th (maybe a book/special characters more around March 2021).

We will certainly have to see it to believe it, but there was mention of some other kind of campaign event in store for 40k (similar to Vigilus in size/structure) that will more or less be all the events that come to a “head” and birth 9th edition. And with 9th edition, is where we could be seeing Endless Psychic Powers themed around the different factions.

Nothing Seems Too Crazy to Believe

marneus haarkanWith all of this taken into account, none of the information at face value has seemed too unbelievable. While sources may be a bit shifty in some rumors, there seems to be a substantial amount of reasonable talk emerging about a new edition.

If Endless Psychic Powers have interested you, one of the other possibilities to think about might be the Psychic Phase being moved before the movement phase!

What are your thoughts on all these rumors? Would you like to see Chaos have four Daemon Primarchs at their disposal? What is a key rules change you would like to see emerge from 9th Edition? 

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