RUMORS: More Changes To Forge World & Horus Heresy

thunderhawk wal horIt looks like things are a bit in flux at Forge World with rumors of new Horus Heresy, product changes, and even their AoS line potentially going to Legends.

Before we go any further, we want to say, take all of this with some salt. We’re going to summarizing the latest rumors from Forge World- some of them even conflict with each other, and reports of some interactions with their customer service reps as well.

RUMORS: More Changes To Forge World & Horus Heresy

horus heresy wallpaper

First, let’s start with something we’ve seen and are pretty sure about. Thanks to the following exclusive image submitted by a Spikey Bits reader, we now have more to go off and a better idea of everything that may be coming in the rumored plastic starter set.

If these are right, this could be a gigantic box set that collectors and hobbyists alike are sure to love!

Hi Guys.
I did this on ppt it gives a better idea of what might be the content of the future box
Thank you for what you do for the hobby 
30k rumor (compressed)

This is everything put into one big image overlay, with every (potential) model numbered, and it really makes it easier to see what’s inside. If this is right, it means this could be one of the biggest starters, with 40 Marines, 10 Terminators, 2 character models, a Spartan, and a Contemptor Dreadnought.

If this is actually what is coming in the box, we imagine this could be an attempt by Games Workshop to try to push a new starter box set price towards the $300 range. Because when you compare it to Betrayal at Calth it has a lot more in it… Still, this would be such a giant box, it could bring a ton of people into the hobby.

Meaning, some of the rumors are about them trying to put this on par with AoS and 40k could be true. If you want to see a more detailed breakdown of the box, check that out here. Now, let’s dive further into the rumors. 

The First Rumors We Saw

horus heresy walpaperThese come from Bolter and Chainsword, and they were leaked from a playtester on the new edition. Here’s a summary of what they had to say:

1.Heresy 2.0 this year
2.Plastic starter set to be released with it or after it.
3. A lot of plastic kits are coming/already been made
4. No more black books
5. Rules still old 7th Ed just cleaned up and someone new things added.
6. Dreads have wounds.
7. Big focus on heresy again to be in line with AoS/40k

So these are all the big supposed things happening and were spurred on by a comment by Anuj Malhotra, saying to hang in there and great things are coming.

Is 2.0 coming this year? We think yes and that it could very well be the Black Friday release this year! We went more in-depth into whether these could all be true and what supports the rumors here. The biggest thing to look at here is the rules, as that claim will be disputed in the next rumors.

Moving to the Core Range

These rumors are coming to us from Faeit 212. They focus a lot on how the minis will be moving minis to the GW line, changing the rules to 9th edition, and more.

Remember these are rumors with no supporting research or citation.

Horus Heresy Box 3

  • The “Core” Range for HH will be moved away from FW and GW will make them Plastic.
  • So Marines, Terminators, Vehicles n stuff, FW will keep special Units, Primarchs and big kits.
  • The rules will be changed to 9th. This way HH is much cheaper and more attractive to get into it.
  • WH The Old World will be FWs new “main” system, providing Rules, Miniatures, etc. 

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This is where the rumors start to contest with each other. But first, for things to move to plastic, it only makes sense for them to move to the GW range. Next, it would make sense for Games Workshop to keep the really big stuff in Forge World.

This is where things start to heavily conflict. This rumor says they are moving the rules to 9th edition. This will make the game easier for 40k players to get into but will take away a lot of the allure about the game. This is one of the most contested parts, so we’ll just have to see who has the better scoop.

Lastly, we hope the rumor about the Warhammer Fantasy Old World is true and not at the same time. Because we want the game, but we don’t want everything in resin…

So we’ll see, either way, those last two parts are a bit hard to swallow…

The Lastest Set of Rumors For Horus Heresy

Thunderhawks walpaper1 Forge WorldThese come from BoLS and are pretty similar to the above rumors, but contradict the original rumors we’ve seen.

Remember these are rumors with no supporting research or citation and seem to summarize the Faeit Rumors that were put out just 1-1/2 hours prior…

  • The Horus Heresy range will be getting a major release later in the year.
  • It will receive a massive rules overhaul at the same time. (contradictory chatter says 9th Edition ruleset)
  • The core units of the Horus Heresy range will be moved to plastic over time.
  • The Horus Heresy Range will move from Forge World’s control, over to the main GW Design Studio

First up, everyone seems pretty set that the release is coming this year. The rules of the new editions seem to be the biggest issue of all because basically everybody believes things will be plastic and FW is losing control of the game.

RUMORS: Forge World Age of Sigmar Models Moving to Legends

forge world monsters of the mortal realms

Currently, there appears to just be around 23 items available for Age of Sigmar on Forge World- with two being alternate heads for Stormcast

They are all displayed on a single page of minis on the site, while it still seems like you can search for other models, in particular, it will take some work.

So, if you have any Forge World stuff for your army, you may be dealing with legend status once and for all!

It could just be that are just taking stuff off the points list and their site, so they can revamp it when the AoS 3.0 rules releases official start, but that just seems like a strange way to go about it perhaps?

warhammer legends rules 40k

We expect to see a point update for all the units soon, and what is moving to legend. This is more just to prepare you for the possibility of some of your beloved minis going by the wayside.

So if they do, at least we all had some bit of warning!

Oh and also of note, casters beware- looks like the Balewind Vortex is absent from points changes as well…

Games Workshop Changing Forge World Fulfillment?

There have been a ton of readers messaging us with horror stories about things being “out of stock” and “no longer available to order” just to see them go back up for order weeks or months later- after those hobbyists had to pay a premium to get them on the secondary market. 

We have gotten many emails like this one from concerned hobbyists, that have been set to GW/ Forge World:

1. I am VERY upset!
2. The status of the primarchs is changing.
Ferrus Manus was listed as “SOLD OUT” – NOT “temporarily out of stock” in May 2021.
(note – I always am logged in – so it is not an issue with the country “delivering to” being incorrect – it is always USA)
3. So, I bought a new Ferrus off Ebay from a seller in the UK and paid $319 for him in May 2021!!!
4. Today – Ferrus is available on your website?!
5. He was listed as SOLD OUT – I expect to receive something for this error!

This seems to be happening on both the Games Workshop and Forge World web stores with seemingly no pattern to them.

forge world out of stockNow it looks like Games Workshop may be doing a “stealth” Made To Order fulfillment test with a popular 40k box set that sold out in minutes recently even with the implementation of the new Queueing system on their webstore.

We have been getting multiple reports of interactions with Forge World’s customer service team who all seem to have this same reply when asked about these status discrepancies on their webstore.

According to customers who are upset with the current state of Forge World’s stock and communication (or lack thereof) in regards to these statuses; Forge World has indicated that their stock is all being repackaged.

We had seen this before as a few years ago as Forge World made bags, white boxes,  and clam packs standard for all their items as they transitioned to doing more conventions, and stocking these times in their “Cafe” branded stores.

Now perhaps with their expansion into the organized play scene again, they are pivoting to different packaging or just a new look/ rebrand for the division as a whole, which is over 20 years old.

So from the looks of it, big things are on the way from Games Workshop and Forge World at the cost of some growing pains now.  Either way, maybe think twice about any big purchases from them in the meantime until their stock issues get hammered out a bit more.

Are you excited about the changes? Do you think these will come true? 

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