RUMORS – More New Plastic Eldar On The Way

By Zeb Barrett | July 22nd, 2016 | Categories: Eldar, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

eldar wal

Time to get hype because more new plastic Eldar may be on the way in the near future! Take a look at what we know so far!As we know from yesterday a plastic Eldrad was announced but some new information has surfaced today!

BOLS reports:

plastic eldar avatar

Tongues have been wagging and this is what BoLS has been told by insiders:

  • Eldrad is coming late this year 2016
  • He will be accompanied by at least 2 other existing Eldar characters who will be receiving all new fancy plastic minis.
  • One of the new minis will be …. wait for it… the Eldar Avatar.
  • The others are unknown. It is not known if these are a standalone release, or part of an accompanying book of some type.

Here is what we learned about Eldrad yesterday if you missed it.

Source: Imgur

eldrad ulthran plastic model eldar

The Staff of Ulthamar leaves no room to question who this model is:


1990’s Eldrad Ulthran

Take a closer look at these two pictures. There is a sprue of parts still missing…

Bigger implications for image of course is the fact that to the best of my knowledge this will be the FIRST of the old school special characters to be made into plastic (and hopefully upscaled to 2016’s standards).

It also lends more weight to the fact that we have been hearing rumors of a Plastic Kharn the Betrayer model that may be on the way as well.

Hopefully this is the beginning of a beautiful release trend leading into a new edition of Warhammer 40k next summer.

So what do you guys think will be the other Eldar they are planning to convert to plastic? I for one am stoked about this and hope they will just go down the line and redo all of their finecast and metal models in plastic!

This week’s Chaos Rumors:

(Which may just be a precursor to an Eye of terror redux that Eldar could be part of?)


Grab your salt shakers, this is about to go down.

Today we got another anonymous message from someone claiming to have seen the new Chaos supplement. They indicated to us something about “veteran abilities” which was indeed a rumor that was going around last year about CSM.

The rest was hard to make out because the English was probably not their first language, and they seemed to not be a Chaos player either. However from what I gathered from the message this was basically a “band aid” to get Chaos up to par with the other books (remember the last Chaos codex was from October 2012) and give the people what they want so to speak.

So a few random out loud thoughts by me here in now way concrete or even bases in anything other than reading the runes of internet fate and my own gut.

Why NOT give us what we want right? Literally GW has listened to the community about everything we’ve wanted since spring. New FAQ’s check, points for AoS – check, new rules for Chaos…. MAYBE?

Dare I even say it… I will say it… veteran abilities could really mean Legion Rules, just like we saw in the 3.5 Chaos codex.

chaos khorne walpaper

Sure if that was 2015 and we were hearing all these rumors I’d call shenanigans BUT the attitude and actions of GW up to this point have indicated a company that is for the first time in quite some time is interested in hearing what we want.

Oh and another shocker for everyone…. Chaos Space Marine right now with NO supplement may just be the next unbeatable list out there on the tournament scene because of the Cyclopean Cabal. More on that later as the Long War has a jaw dropping battle report that will be out for Veterans next week, and the YouTubes in August, that may just set the meta on fire.

Enough from me, let’s get back to the hobby:


What We’ve Heard Up To Now:

You heard it here first, Chaos was missing from Warhammer World on Sunday, and then we literally called this next rumor out of thin air. Now it looks like it may just come true according to multiple sources today.

Spikey Bits 7-17-2016:

If Chaos will rise again is everyone but Games Workshop’s guess at this point however, but it would be cool to see them make an appearance in the new format White Dwarf this September for sure.

First off an anonymous source sent us this email today:

“First monthly white dwarf has the new Khârn in it (leaning forward charging).

Also a campaign type book with new rules for Chaos Space Marines. It’s not a new Codex, but does have cool new rules.

Also included is the new Deathwatch Codex with Artemis Model and the new flyer for them. Looks like a mix between a tau and imperial flyer.”

Then another well know rumormonger chimed in as well 

First issue of the monthly magazine covers the following releases:

  • Chaos Space Marine Campaign book with new CSM rules.
  • New Kharn the Betrayer.
  • Codex Deathwatch.
  • New Deathwatch Flyer Model
  • New Deathwatch Brother Artemis Model.

The bottom two we’ve been hearing for months, but those top two will have all the Chaos boys coming to the yard right now for sure.

What we know right now about Chaos:

Guess what’s missing from the displays cases at Warhammer World…

This was sent in to Spikey Bits from the Forge World Open July 17th:

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Missing from the cases are the original traitor legions of Death Guard, Iron Warriors, Thousand Sons, Emperor’s Children, and the Black Legion.

Why this is important:

Traditionally the Games Workshop studio removes models for photo shoots for upcoming publications and events. In the past we’ve seen a whole army “go missing” for a day or two only to appear in a new supplements or White Dwarf spread for a new release months later.

Recently we saw the Sisters of Battle get some snaps of their own.  At this time however it’s unclear a this time whether these Chaos models are on display elsewhere at the Forge World Open, or are indeed getting their 15 minutes of studio fame.

sisters of battle new upcoming releases (2)

Notice there are some “Chaos” Rumored releases set for this year still as well:

Here’s the new revised Roadmap list of new releases that are on the rumor radar now with items bolded that are confirmed:


age of sigmar logo

Non-Main Label

  • New LoTR Reboot with Iron Dwarves
  • Blood Bowl (2017)
  • Adeptus Titanicus

Will it happen? Who knows at this point, but this is more talk about Chaos than we’ve had in a long time, so I want to believe.

warhammer statue hq gw

GW Release Roadmap: The Next 6 Months?