RUMORS: New 40k Imperial Guard Regiments & Tank Models

gw-rumors-and-new-releasesAccording to these rumors, it looks like an Imperial Guard update with new models for regiments and even a tank is on deck soon!

When we first saw the Gaunt’s Ghosts box and Cadian upgrade sprue all hopes were flying high for a codex soon. According to these rumors compiled from a few sources, it looks like it’s still happening, just not as soon as we had hoped.

Still, it looks like a sizeable update with more upgrade sprues and even a new tank may be on the way according to these rumors. Let’s check out what we’ve seen so far new release-wise for the Guard, and then get into the rumors.

Cadian Upgrade Sprue

This was the first update the guard saw in 2021, and it didn’t take long for more to follow!

Cadian Upgrade SprueThere’s a whole lot more variety in the ranks of Humanity’s infantry than you might think. It seems only right, then, that your units on the tabletop have just as many differences between them, which is why boxes of Cadian Shock Troops will soon be upgraded with a whole new sprue of additional parts.

It definitely adds some variety to the troops, but the minis are still basically very old sculpts (the sprue still says 2001). Still, it’s better than nothing and they do really look different from the originals.

Cadian Upgrade Sprue

That’s not all they’re getting, either. The new sprue contains a full complement of special weapons for your Infantry squads, allowing you to field soldiers carrying sniper rifles, meltaguns, and more. You can even give your Sergeant that boltgun they’ve always wanted.

Really the best thing about this set seems to be that you get all the special weapons! So whatever you can equip the unit with, they’ll finally have the options in one box set. The main issue though is that they increased the price of the squad up from $36 to $45 a box!  For how many troops you need for the army is kinda daunting…

Gaunts Ghosts

Gaunts ghosts 2 r


Gaunts ghosts rNext up, they grabbed GW released a pretty cool box for Gaunt’s ghosts. This is a brand new kit, so there’s not much you can say bad about its design and styling, however, the price in the US is $65, which is over $10 a figure.

Death Korps of Kreig

death Korps of Krieg octariusTen new models were released for the Death Korps of Krieg, and probably best of all, they are in plastic! First seen in the Kill Team Octarius box, and now coming separately as their own Veteran sets alongside the Kill Team Starter set for 9th Edition 40k.

40k Kill Team Starter 4

While we don’t have an exact date, they usually don’t reveal the boxes more than a month or so out. It is interesting they are putting these in Kill Team-specific boxes, let’s hope that means good things for the potential release of more Death Korps of Kreig as well!

Here’s a look back at the Octarius Kill Team Starter Set which was the first place to get those Death Korps of Kreig veterans!

RUMORS: New 40k Imperial Guard Regiments & Tank Models

Codex release roadmap 2021 40k

First up, the rumors say the Imperial Guard will be grabbing a new codex book, which everyone already assumed by now probably. From the rumors, the book will contain two new regiments and the Catachans will not be squatted even though their models are almost as old as the Eldar ones.

While there is no clear indication yet about what the two  “new “regiments are quite yet, that’s still pretty exciting. Next, it looks like the Cadians will be a veteran-style addition in the book.

Imperial Guard Catachan Wal HorFor new models, rumors are that there will be two or more upgrade sprues for other regiments, much like the Cadian sprues. So while they won’t be grabbing entirely new models, they will be getting sprues to bring them into the new edition. Again, this is a double-edged sword. Getting new bits is awesome, but paying $45 for a single unit of Guardsmen can be pretty pricey.

kasrkin 40kIt looks like the Kasrkin will be grabbing entirely new sculpts and models. We’ll have to see how extensive this is, but if its anything like the early 2000s models’ designs they are sure to be a fan favorite! This rumor also sorta coincides with one that the Cadians are going to a more veteran-style side of the Army list.

There are also rumors for one more new unit as well, which may end up being the most impactful on the tabletop.

New Imperial Guard Tank

Imperial guard tank sizes scalePerhaps a Macharius-sized tank is coming in plastic?

Supposedly a new tank fitting somewhere in between the Leman Russ and a Baneblade is on the way next for treadheads to collect.

imperial guard armyYou can see the difference in size between the Baneblades and the Leman Russ. Well, if you want something in-between that size, it looks like you’ll get it! While the new tank hasn’t been officially named yet, but supposedly it will be big.

It will be awesome to have a tank larger than a Russ; hopefully, the new model will be kick-ass!

RUMORS: New Imperial Guard Plastic Model Kits On The Way

Chapter Master Valark claims to have the good on not only the new Rumor Engine model that may be for Imperial Guard, but also on even more upcoming kits.

Did a video on this for those who want to watch but listed down below as well, this comes from the source who I call Alpharius who hasn’t been wrong before. This comes with the Rumour Engine image from today.

Lots of New stuff for the Imperial Guard:

    • New Tank (Apparently named Rogal Dorn Battle Tank)
    • New Kasrkin Kit
    • New Sentinel Kit
    • New Veteran Cadians/Command Squad
    • New HQs 

From what was said to me, it’s basically a range refresh with a bunch of badass looking Cadians.

As always trust in what you want, just because I trust this source doesn’t mean you have too.

So either someone is trolling Valrak, or perhaps there is a shred of truth to be gleaned from all of this.

Latest New Imperial Guard Models & Rules Rumors

These rumors also come from Reddit and seem pretty solid. The tank has all but been confirmed, and we’ve actually seen a few Rumor Engines around what may happen with the Karskins.

Cadian Upgrade Sprue

  • The new tank is sized between the LRBT & Baneblade and is supposed to be T9.
  • Krieg will be their own regiment
  • Deathstrike will have 3 missiles
  • TCs are going to BS4, with +1 to hit
  • Turret weapons will be able to fire out of combat (like the Baneblade)

We also heard the new tank’s name has been confirmed as the Rogal Dorn Battle Tank (cause we can’t have just one tank named after a Primarch, lol). It also makes sense in a way, as it gives you another choice that is bigger than a Leman Russ but still smaller than a giant Baneblade.

Supposedly it will also be less than 18 Wounds, so can still be obscured. With Toughness 9, this will be much harder to kill than normal tanks. Krieg becoming their own regiment makes sense and with how they are moving with the line, they could (read as should) come out with more plastic for them. Hopefully, come out with a cheaper unit for troops (this is just a hope, nothing is confirmed at all on that for them).

If Tank Commanders move to BS 4, that would be quite sad, but it does seem like they will have +1 to hit on their turret weapons. Eh, pretty sad, but maybe they are getting enough buffs in other places and may have been done to keep the power a little lower on the new tank because it might be insane.

New Model rumors

This bit looks exactly like an Imperial Guard Auspex right down to the camouflage pattern we have seen on Caidan Kasrkin models in the past.

rumor engine 03-01-22

As you can tell from the old kit, these hands are clearly very similar in design. The little device in the hand is completely new, but it could be a host of things that don’t really need explaining.

karskin heavy weaponsPerhaps the biggest “tell” is the urban style camouflage that is clearly visible on the rumor engine bit, and the old Cadian Karskin models above as well.

ccadian kasrkin camouflage

After that, it makes sense for them to continue to upgrade the Cadians line as they have already added an upgrade sprue to the troops to bring them into the new decade. The only one we’re really not sure about is the new Sentinel. So take that one with some salt, but it could really use a new kit.

Lastly, pretty much every army has received at least one new HQ, so nothing too crazy there.

The bottom line is, some new Guard may be on the way, as Cadians might make their return to the spotlight!  We’ll just have to wait and see…

Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should keep an eye out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

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