The God of Pleasure & Pain: Slaanesh LORE

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Today we take a look at a God whose creation tore the universe asunder and separated a once proud race from themselves. Slaanesh was born!

The mighty Eldar where once a unified race. But, their love of worldly pleasures drove their race apart and created one of the most deadly Chaos Gods. Let’s find out more!

Via: Lexicanum


Screenshot_104Slaanesh was fully born at the moment of the Fall of the Eldar. The birth of Slaanesh created the Eye of Terror and slew most of the Eldar except those far enough away from the Eldar homeworlds to escape. This event also slew all the Eldar gods except for Khaine (who was shattered into many pieces), the Laughing God – Cegorach, and Isha – who was, according to one Craftworld, taken captive by the Chaos God Nurgle.


Slaanesh has a neutral attitude to some of the other Gods of Chaos (as he is generally too caught up in his own pleasures to be interested in rivalries or alliances), but his particular enemy is Khorne, whose belief in pain and death is completely opposed to Slaanesh’s principle of a life of unrestricted pleasure.


Slaanesh’s symbol is rarely worn openly by its followers. They instead often wear items of jewellery bearing erotic motifs. Followers dress in robes which are often opened to leave the right side of the chest uncovered, a requirement of many of the rituals involved in his worship. Pastel and electric shades are the chief colours, although white may be used as well. These colours are also sometimes carried over into everyday wear, although they may be modified to fit in with current fashions. In all cases, all Slaanesh followers wear garb of sensuously high quality.

Even the most militant of Slaanesh’s followers do not deny themselves this hedonistic lifestyle; cultist hideouts may be fortified and stocked with weapons, but they are equally stocked with luxurious furniture, sumptuous food, and erotic decorations.


In the mythology of the primitive inhabitants of Fenris, “Sla Nahesh” (presumably a misinterpretation of Slaanesh) is an evil deity, described as the offspring of the dark god Horus and the dragon goddess Skrinneir, and is imprisoned within one of the planet’s volcanic islands after being defeated by Leman Russ.



Find Out More About The God Slaanesh!

About the Author: Tim Roberts