The LVO Long War 40k Doubles Players & Armies Were Amazing!

Long-war-event-lvo-2022If you love gaming with a friend, the LVO Long War 40k Doubles tourney was the place for you to be, check out the action!

With tons of different games, players, and just so much going on, LVO 2022 is super fun, but the doubles tourney might be the most fun, as you get to play with a friend! There were over 300 players and a ton of awesome armies.

There were a lot more armies we took pictures of at the event that were our favorites!  Click on the gallery above to see the overall army shots of what players were bringing and their displays at the 2022 Las Vegas Open!

The LVO Long War 40k Doubles Players & Armies Were Amazing!

LVO 2022


LVO 2022There was a ton of awesome armies and players competing in this awesome team tourney.

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LVO 2022

There were also a lot of matching outfits and some pretty cool costumes brought to bear at the tournament.

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LVO 2022

The armies were also super varied with most factions represented in a strong fashion.

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LVO 2022

Who knows how they turned these marines to the Greater Good, but they did!

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There were also some really cool armies that pitted classic rivals in a new fashion, as they fought alongside each other, but against each other on the display boards.

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LVO 2022

Plenty of teams showed up in team jerseys and such to really show their team pride.

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LVO 2022

It’s always nice to see Chaos well represented at tournaments.

LVO 2022

However, there were plenty of armies that came as a single faction to destroy some Xenos.

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LVO 2022

As always, the knights showed up to stomp the foes of the Imperium out!

LVO 2022

LVO 2022This team even got matching tattoos to commemorate the event! Pretty epic if you ask us!

Click on the links below to see the rest of our coverage of LVO 2022

There were a lot more armies we took pictures of at the event that were our favorites!  Click on the gallery above to see the overall army shots of what players were bringing and their displays at the 2022 Las Vegas Open!

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