Top 5 Army Lists in 8th 40k: Da Boyz GT

hor of space marine and chaos

Is it spam-tastic again? Checkout what army lists took the top five slots by battle points from this weekend’s Da Boyz GT Warhammer 40k 8th Tournament!

First off kudos to everyone at Da Boyz GT who did an excellent job running this tournament and helping to keep the hobby safe and enjoyable!

Da Boyz GTThese are the top five placings by Battle Points, and not the “Overall” placings when Hobby scores are factored in.

Long story short, these are the top lists just by Win/Loss courtesy of  Best Coast Pairings

Players were battling it out trying secure that top spot there last weekend, but it was Edward Walker that took home first with his Imperium army. Let’s take a look at the army lists for the Top Five finishers.

1st Place

Edward Walker – Imperium: Guilliman & Celestine

Edward Walker 40k army list guilliman celestine 8th edition

2nd Place

TJ Lanigan – Chaos Space Marines –

TJ LanningTJ Lanning

3rd Place

Bill Kim

Bill Kim

4th Place

Jeff Brown – Imperium

Jeff BrownJeff BrownJeff Brown


5th Place

Nick Rose

Nick Rose Nick Rose

This turned out to be a great tournament, and it was Edward Walker taking home first place with his Imperium Army. It was nice to see someone other than the Astra Militarum winning for a change. The Imperium and Chaos took over the top 5 positions, with Chaos pulling in second and third place. Are we starting to see a trend in the meta?

Do you think the recent Astra Militarum FAQ had anything to do with why they didn’t make top 5 this time?

Congratulations on your win sir.

Make sure you check back in with us for the latest tournament coverage and updates.

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