Top 5 Chaos Marine Kits GW Should Update

By Chris Lien | September 18th, 2018 | Categories: Editorials, Top 10, Warhammer 40k News

abaddon chaos beetter

Today we take a look at the Top 5 Chaos Marines kits GW should update. Come see if you agree with this list or if you think there are other more deserving ones.

One of the integral races in the dark universe of 40k, Chaos Marines are the ever-present threat to the Imperium and a constant favorite for players.

Chaos Marines are a huge favorite for painters and gamers alike, providing players with a fun, flavorful alternative to the usual space marines of loyalist armies. A fun faction with elite units equipped with unique characterized mutations and themes, their model line is, unfortunately, lacking in the current detail and extravagance that current kits hold.

It’s a miracle that so many of the kits, many of which are still from the 3rd edition era are still kicking around, especially with some unit entries lacking an existing kit in the first place.

Here we’ll cover some of the ones that could use a much-needed new kit.

Top 5 Chaos Marine Kits GW Should Update

5: Havoks 

It’s shameful that what -should- be a mainstay of Heavy Support choices doesn’t even have its own proper kit outside of a finecast ‘one of each’ pack. Chaos Marines aren’t exactly lacking in heavy-hitting firepower, but having access to some without being bolted to a tank of demon would be appreciated without having to do heavy modifications and conversion or getting duplicated of some very old sculpts. With how effective autocannons are, getting a fully-equipped team running with only one kit purchase is far overdue.

An ideal kit would be a pure mirror of the loyalist Devastator kit, two of each weapon with a nice heavy amount of weapon options for the sergeant that could be used in conjunction with kitbashing other kits.

4: Chosen

In one of the more irritating moves GW has pulled, a beautifully-sculpted squad of single-loadout Chaos Chosen were released and featured in the 2-player starter kit for both 6th and 7th edition, showing just how great they could potentially look as a kit. Then they disappeared, once again leaving Chaos Marine players with no accessible kit to form veteran Chaos Marine squads.

For an army where brutal close combat seems natural, and demonic weapons being so common, an amazing kit -should- rightly exist for this unit, but players are sadly left to convert and kitbash.

An ideal kit would be a simple 5-man squad with an excess in weapon options and aesthetic baubles to customize your ideal veteran Chaos Marine squad of death.

3: Obliterators/Mutilators


A relic of the past and a related unit that no one asked for. Both kits are strained, awkward and unappealing sculpts sold in finecast in seperate, expensive kits. Obliterators have always proven to be a great boon for Chaos Marine shooting and Multilators could be an appealing shredder unit if given a bit of tweaking, but the biggest issue, unfortunately, stands at purchasing these units.

With a mix of being somewhat ugly models and the pricepoint and material subject to backlash, it’s a definite factor for their lack of use in-game.

Ideally, a plastic dual-kit allowing the creation of either ranged or melee version would be beneficial and might help push these units as something taking occasionally instead of a forgotten entry in the codex.

2: Khorne Berserkers

Noise Marines are in need a new kit just as well, but with them being a conversion to a plastic kit that results in semi-decent looking slaaneshi warriors, they have a leg up on the unfortunate kit that is the Khorne Berserker plastic models.

Another relic of editions past, their bulbous proportions, awkward poses, and detail quality is in desperate need of a fixing. Not only that, but one of the wargear options the unit may take is the iconic Chain Axe, of which the kit doesn’t even supply enough to kit the whole squad.

A new kit would not have to stray too far, a simple facelift and providing enough axes would be best, maybe even just replacing all the chainswords could work, being that axes are their iconic go-to weapon. Some new weapons might even be nice, but that’d require a new codex in that case, or at the very least, a new unit entry.

1: Abbadon The Despoiler

One of the biggest thorns in the Imperium’s side, Abaddon’s many crusades have led him to scour and scorch the galaxy for power. Unfortunately, his model looks like he’d have an asthma attack trying to keep up with cultists. One of the most dated models in the range representing one of the most powerful characters is disappointing to say the least. An uninspired pose with ludicrously wonky proportions, wielding a claw half his size and wielding a sword with the cutting prowess of a 2×4.

A character receiving the blessing of all four chaos gods shouldn’t be smaller than the plastic generic terminator lord kit, and should look like he could take on a Space Marine Captain or five, not like some sunlight-deprived gremlin in 4 layers of snow gear who can’t move.

Abaddon deserves to have one of the biggest, most imposing space marine models outside of primarchs. He needs the update.

What kits do you think need updates badly? Are there kits that need to be redone badly due to their age?

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