2 New 40k FAQ’s & Top 10 Deathwatch Rules BREAKDOWN

By Kenny Boucher | August 15th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors


draigo spire of madness lore

The newest 40k FAQ is here, and we have our list of the top Deathwatch rules YOU should know from the new codex and Emma from previously from Warhammer TV.

Another Long War Two-Fer is HERE – Checkout our fantastical webcast and new and exciting podcast of table-top wargaming awesomeness.

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Team Long War: From left to right: Kenny Boucher, Stephen Fore, Rob Baer, and Mike Haspil


Top Deathwatch Rules & GWs FAQ Two-Fer! Episode 63

This week we discuss The Top 10 Deathwatch Rules, Em Durrant (Previously on Warhammer TV), & The New FAQs

Show Intros & Table Top Market Place

@5:30 Table Top Market Place

@23:03 Special Interview With Em Durrant

@44:50 New FAQ

@55:35 Top 10 Deathwatch Rules


1. Frag Cannon- this bad boy has the normal frag profile but can become an assault 2 lascannon at a range of 12″

2. Sudden Onslaught – Command benefit from their new decurion gives all DW non vehicle models deep strike special rule!

3. Atonement Through Honor – lets some models get double attacks when versus MCs, ICs, vehicles and more!

4. The Corvus Darkstar can be equipped to re-reroll failed saves from Jinking!

5. Several formations feature “super units” (see kill team special rule) consisting of terminators, bikes, jump and regular infantry – all of which can fit in a Darkstar, and can benefit from the assault pack re-roll charge ability per GW’s FAQ.

deathwatch figures

6. Artemis is NOT in the Codex, only the Death Masque Box Set mini supplement.

7. Up to FOUR Deathwatch veterans can take the new Frag Cannon in a squad.

8. Bikes can be taken model by model and may be upgraded with a power weapon for 5 points!

9. Terminators are Fearless, can have the melta fist for 10 points and any terminator can have an assault cannon or Cyclone launcher! They can also be purchased model by model.

10. Vanguard vets can also be taken model by model and their Heroic Intervention rule applies to any unit with a Vanguard vet as well, so those formations at the back of the book (consisting of a squad of terminators, bikes, jump and regular infantry) just got another bonus as well.
