US Games Day Forge World Coverage & Previews

Checkout what Forge World was showing off at Games Day over the weekend.

Looks like some pretty cool stuff is on the way!  I can’t wait to get my hands on the new Imperial Armour Apocalypse book!

Coverage Courtesy of Apocalypse 40k!

Gamesday 2013 was yesterday in Memphis, and Forge World was there in force as usual.  

John Owens, our Gamesday correspondent, sent us these photos.

The new Space Marine Battle Tank has a name now, the Sicaran Battle Tank, and we got to see it painted.  We also saw the Castellax Battle Automata for the first time, and it is a beauty!  New Contemptors for the Iron Hands and Sons of Horus.

Iron Hands Contemptor Dreadnought

Plus for those of you who missed the last article, a repeat:

The Fire Raptor Space Marine Flyer from Forge World.  It looks like a gunship version of the Storm Raven.  Armed with a chin mounted Avenger Canon and two twinlinked side mounted Heavy Bolters, this baby is in their for close air support

John Owens, our Gamesday correspondent, filed these photos and spoke with Simon WIlliamson.  Simon said he just finished work on the Fire Raptor and we should expect to see it January/February as the Forge World team usually takes about 6 months for a mold to be made and stock to be built up for release.

Thanks to John for his hard work getting all these photos and interviewing Forge World personnel! 
