Warhammer 40k is in Trouble Again: Fans Share Their Growing Worries

roadmaps slowdown slump warhammer 40k hor walWarhammer 40k faces challenges with delayed releases and rising competition; is the slowdown turning hobbyists toward other games?

If there’s one thing the grimdark future of Warhammer 40k has taught us, it’s that even in the 41st millennium, nothing is certain—except for unending war, of course. But lately, it’s not just heretics and xenos shaking up the Imperium. Games Workshop has slowed down, and Warhammer 40k will only get a single new faction for the rest of the year (unless they pull a fast one on us).

Can Games Workshop Keep Warhammer 40k on Top? GW Slowing Down Heading Into 2025

Blood angels Combat Patrol 6

The crimson sons of Sanguinius are gearing up for their second wave of releases, and while Blood Angels fans are polishing their armor and praying to the Emperor, it seems this might be the last hurrah for 2024. With the iconic Blood Angels Codex set to drop, one can’t help but feel that this marks the end of an era, or at least the year.

Blood Angels Wave 2: The Last Major Release of 2024?

Where’s the new blood after that? Well, don’t expect much till 2025. If you were hoping for another faction or a surprise model reveal before Christmas, it looks like Santa’s got other plans. We’ll hopefully see the Christmas Battleforces, but that’s about all we really can look forward to for 40k other than Blood Angels (which have already been revealed).

Gaps in Faction Releases Till 2025

After the Blood Angels drop, the rumor mill goes eerily silent. The horizon looks pretty bleak until 2025. That’s right—at least three months (if they release a new faction in February, it could be longer) with nothing major to keep your painting hand steady. Faction releases are in limbo, and with only Kill Team releases trickling in, the Warhammer 40k scene is entering a bit of a dry spell. So, what’s a player to do? Catch up on those unpainted minis, perhaps?

Warhammer 40k 2025 Roadmap

In 2024, Games Workshop is slowing its release schedule, going to pre-recorded previews that don’t even show new models, simply mentions of upcoming releases by studio staff.

Roadmap In 2025: Astra Militarum, Eldar, and Imperial Knights

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We were hoping the NOVA Open roadmap would have some exciting stuff for 2024, particularly those brooding, gas-masked Death Korps of Krieg models. But like a Guardsman in a trench, it seems they’re stuck. Whether it’s logistical issues or something more sinister from the Warp, their long-awaited arrival is not coming until 2025. These grim tidings are for those who love trench warfare with a side of stoic sacrifice. We know they will be the next faction to release, but with nothing in for real timing, we hope this shows up in January and not pushed back too much later.

Eldar Aspect Warriors and Imperial Knights Pushed to 2025

We were all looking forward to seeing the Eldar Aspect Warriors in shiny, revamped form. Alas, the space elves will have to wait. These fleet-footed warriors, along with the towering Imperial Knights, were meant to bring some serious firepower to the battlefield. But in true Eldar fashion, it seems they’re delaying their return to the fray. Maybe they foresaw this in the infinity circuits? Either way, 2025 is when they’ll grace us again, leaving a big gap for players to fill in the meantime. Let’s again hope it’s early 2025 and not creeping into spring.

Sporadic Release Schedule Since October 2023


For years, Warhammer fans were spoiled with a steady diet of weekly releases. There was always something new to look forward to—whether it was a faction update, a new Codex, or just some cool models to add to the collection. That rhythm, though, started to falter in late 2023. October marked a shift, with releases becoming more sporadic. Where there was once a cornucopia of new models, we now have stretches of barren weeks, leaving players wondering what happened to the good ol’ days of consistent content and releases.

Impact of Sporadic Releases and Allocations on Fan Engagement

Fewer releases have had a noticeable effect on the community. Forums that once buzzed with excitement now sound more like echo chambers of “When’s the next drop?” The fanbase, long used to a constant flow of shiny new things, seems restless. This lack of engagement can leave some looking elsewhere for their gaming fix. It’s a problem when your biggest fans start losing interest due to a prolonged drought of content.

Lore Updates and Community Backlash

female custode warhammer tv muscle mommies adeptus tithes episode 2

The impact of these sporadic releases isn’t just tied to physical products like miniatures. Games Workshop’s lore updates, which often accompany new releases, also play a crucial role in keeping the community invested. The recent lore changes, specifically surrounding the introduction of female Custodes, have sparked a significant backlash from parts of the fanbase. Custodes, the Emperor’s most elite and genetically perfected warriors, have traditionally been depicted as male in the lore, which was a long-established part of Warhammer 40K’s grimdark universe.

When Games Workshop announced the inclusion of female Custodes, many fans felt blindsided, especially given the sparse and disorganized communication around lore updates. For some, the introduction of female Custodes was a welcome change, signaling greater inclusivity in a universe dominated by male figures. However, others viewed it as an unnecessary deviation from the established lore, and the ensuing debate fractured parts of the community. The controversy could have been managed better if Games Workshop had communicated its intentions more clearly and with a greater focus on narrative consistency. Instead, the abrupt nature of these updates combined with a sporadic release schedule left many feeling out of the loop and alienated.

Extended Silence: No New 40k Products for Three Months (at Least)

Blood Angels Detachment RulesThe last and next 40k release is the Blood Angels. They are doing this release in two waves, with the army box and codex first and then the rest of the models. However, while it’s cool to get a lot of new Blood Angels, they will be the only release we receive until 2025. We saw them revealed back at the end of July, meaning we won’t see anything new for 40k other than Blood Angels from July 2024 to at least January 2025.

Impact on Community Engagement

With a lack of new content, the Warhammer community has been left to its own devices. Forums are filled with speculation, frustration, and, of course, memes. There’s a palpable hunger for new models and rules, but for now, the community has mostly turned to theory crafting and reminiscing about past releases. At least the memes are strong.

Lessons From the Summer Slump of 2024

Ah, the infamous summer slump of 2024—a time when Warhammer fans experienced more silence than a Necron Tomb World. No new products, minimal teasers, and a distinct lack of excitement left hobbyists wondering if the Warp had swallowed GW whole. The biggest lesson from this lull? Silence breeds discontent. For a community that thrives on weekly updates and new model hype, a two-month gap felt like an eternity.

To avoid another summer like 2024, GW needs to keep the fanbase engaged. Even if production schedules are tight, throwing fans a few bones in the form of teasers, lore snippets, or even rules previews can keep the excitement alive. Lesson learned: don’t leave your loyal players stranded in a content desert. Engagement is as crucial as the models themselves.

The Rise of Competitor Games During GW’s Absence

halo flashpoint master chief

While Games Workshop takes its time, other miniature games have been stepping in to fill the void. Games like Mantic’s Kings of War and Warlord’s Bolt Action are seeing increased attention from hobbyists. With better release schedules and competitive pricing, many are finding these alternatives appealing. Games Workshop may be king of the hill, but it’s starting to feel like there are other contenders eyeing the throne.

Market Trends and Storefront Struggles

age of sigmar starter skaventide box set

Retailers aren’t exactly thrilled with the lack of new Warhammer releases. When you have months between major drops, sales start to dip. Age of Sigmar is in a similar boat, with products moving slower than a Chaos invasion plan. For game store owners, stagnant inventory can mean tough times ahead, especially if they went heavy on Skaventide.

Retailer Hopes for a Big 40k Release

Retailers are pinning their hopes on a big Warhammer 40k release to reignite the excitement and get customers back in-store. A new codex, a major faction update—anything to get the wheels turning again. But with every week that passes, those hopes start to feel more like desperate prayers to the Emperor. The main thing stores have to look forward to now is the Christmas Battleforces.

Creative Strategies from Retailers to Sustain Sales

To keep things moving, stores are getting clever. From hosting events and running discounts to introducing hobby nights, retailers are pulling out all the stops to keep the community engaged. Some have even started stocking up on alternative miniature games, hoping to cater to players who are looking for something fresh while Warhammer waits in the wings.

Final Thoughts on the Games Workshop Warhammer 40k Slowdown

As the smoke clears and we survey the battlefield of the miniatures market, one thing’s clear: Games Workshop is still the undisputed Primarch of the industry, but even the mightiest can stumble. With competitors gathering their forces and the fanbase itching for fresh content, GW has its work cut out for it. They’ve survived countless galactic wars in their lore, but the real challenge is keeping their players engaged and excited in the here and now.

The future of Warhammer 40k depends on more than just epic models and a sprawling universe of lore—it’s about listening to the community, staying consistent, and delivering those critical hits of excitement that keep players assembling their armies. If GW can pull that off, the Emperor’s loyal subjects will march on, paintbrushes in hand, ready to wage war in the grimdark galaxy for years to come. But if they don’t, well, there are plenty of other armies—and games—waiting for their next battle-ready commander. The Imperium’s fate, as always, hangs in the balance.

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

Have you found yourself more disconnected from GW 40k and AoS releases this year?