We Already Know All The Dark Angels Points Costs

kharn azrael chaos space marine heroes series 1 2 3The recently dropped FAQ has all of the Dark Angels points and even has a unit in there we had never seen before! Check it out.

This may not be 100% true, but it seems strange they would show all points and for units, even ones we didn’t know about, then change them in the supplement. We wouldn’t necessarily put it past them, but it doesn’t seem too plausible.

With that recent FAQ they basically showed us exactly how the supplement will look. This isn’t super helpful because we don’t know all the rules (if you want to see what we know so far, check it out here), but you can at least start making those dreamed up lists and get some ideas of where to take your army.  Let’s check out the points!

Dark Angels Points

Dark Angels PointsFirst off, let’s look at the new things in there we aren’t 100% sure on yet. It looks like the Deathwing Strikemaster is going to be a new addition to the army. We don’t know much about him other than his points. But if he’s Deathwing, well that means he’s a Terminator. We would love to see a new mini for him! But he could always just be based on a normal Termie, we’ll just have to wait and see on that one!

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But for the points, it seems like he will be a Lieutenant style character and not anything too crazy. But who knows? He could be super OP and be the character to have once the codex drops.

Plus there is something called the Rites of Initiation that looks to be similar to the Space Marines Chapter Command that allows you to upgrade models to super character status.

Looking at the points, nothing seems too crazy or out of place. With the new rules for the Ravenwing, their cost doesn’t seem too bad at all when considering all the bonuses they get. The Deathwing points don’t look horrible either, we’ll just have to see what kind of special rules they end up with after the codex drop!

What do you think about their points? Will you start making some lists already?

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