GW New Pre-Order Lineup & Prices Confirmed

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This weeks pre-orders have been spotted. We’re seeing the teased Battleforce boxes, White Dwarf, Chapter Approved, and more in this week’s new releases.

Multiple retailers have confirmed the new pre-orders and prices. Let’s take a look at what’s coming up from pre-order this weekend.

Genestealer Cults Insurrection $170Battleforce Genestealer Cults


32 models
1x Goliath $60
1x Broodcoven $60
1x Neophyte Hybrid box $40
1x Neophyte Hybrid Squad (10 Cadians, 1 Cadian Heavy Weapons Team, 1 Genestealer Cult Upgrade Frame) $45
1x Acolyte Hybrid Box $40

Total Cost: $245
Total Savings: $75

Orks Kult of Speed $170

Battleforce Orks

22 models
1x Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun $37
1x box of Bikers $41.25
1x Battlewagon $66
1x Trukk $37.25
1x Ork Boyz box $29
1x Ork Lootas box $25

Total Cost: $235.50
Total Savings: $65.50


Astra Militarum Battlegroup $170

Battleforce Astra Militarum

31 models
1x Leman Russ Battle Tank $49.50
1x Sentinel $30
1x Chimera $37.25
1x Cadian Command Squad $25
2x Cadian Shock Troops boxes $29
1x Ogryn box $47

Total Cost: $217.75
Total Savings: $47.75

T’au Empire Rapid Insertion Cadre $170

Battleforce Tau

24 models
1x Commander in Crisis Suit $50
1x Ghostkeel $75
1x Crisis Suit Team $75
2x Stealth Suit Teams $54

Total Cost: $254
Total Savings: $84


Stormcast Eternals Vanguard Brotherhood $170

Battleforce Stormcast Eternals

32 models
2x boxes of Vanguard Raptors(6 models per box; the birds count) $35
1x Lord-Aquilor $40
1x Vanguard Hunters box $60
1x Vanguard Palladors box $60
1x Gryph-Hounds box $25

Total Cost: $220
Total Savings: $50

Blade of the Blood Queen $170

Battleforce Grand Alliance Death

34 models
1x Mortarch $80
1 box of Morghast $60
2x boxes of Skeletons $24.75
1x Wight King $14.75
1x box of Grave Guard $41.2

Total Cost: $244.75
Total Savings: $74.75


Tzeentch Arcanites Changecult $170

Battleforce Tzeentch

47 models
2x Skyfire boxes $70
1x box of Kairic Acolytes $50
2x boxes of Tzaangor $80
1x Shaman $35

Total Cost: $235
Total Savings: $65

Kharadron Overlords Sky Fleet $170

Battleforce Kharadron Overlords

16 models
1x Frigate $80
1x Gunhauler $50
1x Admiral $25
1x box of Arkanaut Company $45
1x box of Endrinriggers $40

Total Cost: $240
Total Savings: $70

Warhammer 40,000: Chapter Approved $35


Citadel Munitorum Varnish (6 Pack) $19.50


White Dwarf December 2017 $9


Book 47: Old Earth (HB) $30

Book 47 Old Earth

The Horus Heresy Book 47

Reborn in the fires of Nocturne, Vulkan prepares for his final journey. With the choice between vengeance and duty, what will the primarch’s destiny be?

It’s the final stage in Vulkan’s journey. Through tragedy, madness and death itself, the Salamanders primarch has prevailed – but what awaits him now will test him to his very limits.

Reborn in body and spirit beneath Mount Deathfire, the primarch Vulkan gathers his most trusted sons and prepares for the final part of his journey. The Legions shattered at Isstvan V have stalled the Warmaster’s advance across the galaxy, but fresh cracks are spreading through the alliance between the Iron Hands, Salamanders and Raven Guard, along with mysterious rumours of the return of Ferrus Manus. Haunted by a sense of destiny unfulfilled, Vulkan must choose between joining their war of vengeance against the traitors, or following his own barely understood path all the way to the Throneworld itself.

Written by Nick Kyme

Hallowed Knights: Plague Garden (PB) $16

Plague Garden

A Warhammer Age of Sigmar novel

During the greatest battles of the War for Life, the Stormcast Eternals suffered a great tragedy: the Hallowed Knights Lord-Castellant Lorus Grymn was lost to the Realm of Chaos. Now his fellow Steel Souls venture into the domain of Nurgle himself in search of their lost comrade…

It’s a return to the Mortal Realms… sort of. It’s something new for the Age of Sigmar as the Stormcast Eternals take on Chaos not just in the usual places, but right in the very heart of the Dark Gods’ own domain.

As the War for the Realm of Life continues, Lord-Castellant Lorrus Grymn leads the battered remnants of the Steel Souls warrior chamber against the sargasso-citadels of the Verdant Bay. The Hallowed Knights claim victory, but at a terrible cost – Grymn is lost to Realm of Chaos. Now Gardus, newly-reforged and fresh from the destruction of the Scabrous Sprawl, must lead his warriors into the foetid heart of Nurgle’s realm in search of the Lord-Castellant, where they must once more brave the horrors of the Realm of Decay…

Written by Josh Reynolds.


We’re finally seeing Chapter Approved go on pre-order this week. But that’s not all! We’re also going to be getting eight new Battleforce boxes, a new six pack of varnish (for retail vending), two new titles from Black Library, and the December White Dwarf. Make sure you check back in with us later this week for the full descriptions and more pictures of what’s to come.

What do you think about this week’s new pre-order items? Are you looking forward to anything in particular?

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