GW Reveals Plan For Canceled Adepticon Previews

space-marine-terminator-walAdepticon might be canceled, but that doesn’t mean the previews are. GW just announced their schedule of when they’ll be previewing all the new releases.

If you haven’t already heard, 2020’s Adepticon has been canceled due to COVID-19. While the week of tabletop gaming might be canceled, GW is still going to be dropping online previews. Mark your calendars for the weeks ahead and check out the latest.

GW Adepticon Previews Will Continue Online!

Space Marine walpaperComing from Warhammer Community, all of the previews that were scheduled to drop at Adepticon will now drop in two separate online previews. Here’s what you need to know.

we’ll be bringing you two online preview events within the next three weeks! And so that as many of you as possible can tune in and enjoy a first look at future releases and ask our Studio folks that question you’ve always wanted to ask, we’re holding them at times that should mean you’re up and awake regardless of where you are in the world.

Here’s the schedule for the previews:

  • Saturday, March 28th at 2:00 PM GMT
  • Saturday, April 4th at 2:00 PM GMT

Something Special For The Preview Attendees

While the spreading virus might have some of our hobby spirits low, we at least have something to look forward to in the days ahead. Plus, we can get so much hobbying done in the meantime. To throw in a little more hype, there might be something special in store for the people who reserved a slot for the GW preview as well. This is just a shot in the dark…but maybe it’s some kind of mystery mini?

Necromunda Underhive Wal HorWe’ve no doubt that AdeptiCon will bounce back, and we’ll be right alongside them over the next 12 months as they plan for bigger and better in 2021. We’ll also be working with them to make sure that everyone who was signed up to come to the Warhammer Preview event still gets the goodies we had planned for them

With all of this announced, mark your calendars for the days ahead. This was supposed to be GW’s biggest preview ever at Adepticon so we shouldn’t be disappointed. Even if we have to watch everything unfold from home.

What do you think is going to be previewed in the weeks ahead? Did you have a slot reserved for the in-house GW preview? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!