These Were The Best Warhammer April Fools Jokes

gw comic wal marvel marine hor spaceYesterday was the first and while we’re stuck at home, the internet is still a hilarious place.  Check out the best Warhammer April Fools Jokes.

A worldwide pandemic hasn’t stopped people from pulling an April Fools joke or just outright being funny. Yesterday was April Fools and we saw some pretty great stuff hit the web. Take a look at these videos you might get a laugh out of.

Note: Not all of these videos were posted on April 1st or have anything to do with April Fools. But trust us, you’ll still want to watch.

GW’s First Warhammer Cereal-Aquilos!

We’ve actually talked about this yesterday already. But we’ve got to give props to GW for making a commercial that you’d really think was legit.

New Primaris Irritator Squad

Coming from Auspex Tactics on YouTube, they dropped a hilarious video on a new Primaris unit. Just wait till you see the datasheet on this guy.

Amazon Berzerker- Alexa Khorne Edition

We talked about this one earlier as well. But in case you missed it, it’s a Khorne Berzerker’s redub of the Amazon Alexa commercial.

Naval Channel Talks About 40k: The Emperor Class Battleship

Coming fromDrachinifel on YouTube, this video isn’t so much funny or have anything to do with April Fools other than that it was dropped on April Fools. But a historical Navy channel did an overview of the Emperor Class Battleship. Definitely worth a listen if you’re a fan of the Imperium.

Samuel Jackson Reads Stay The !#$@ Home

Samuel Jackson went on Jimmy Kimmel Live and a few minutes in, he read all of us a book that we should probably put into practice if you aren’t already. Skip to 6:05 if you want to get right into it.

We hope that while you’ve been stuck inside, your spirits have been high and your hobbying has been going strong. Hopefully, these have helped you pass the time some!

What have you been hobbying on? Have you been practicing any new painting techniques? Did someone get you with an April Fools joke yesterday?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!