Mendax Primaris & Chaos Heads From Liber Daemonica

Liber DaemonicaNeed more detail out of your Space Marines? Check out these amazing looking head bits from the creative team at Liber Daemonica.

Need more detail out of your Space Marines? Check out these amazing looking heads from the creative team at Liber Daemonica.

Mendax type “Noctis” Helmets: $10.00

The set will contain 5 different skulls.

To get a combined shipment please send me a message BEFORE making a payment

Upgrade your army with our exclusive upgrade pack! Space Marine not included.

Mendax type “Taurus” helmets: $10.00

Liber Daemonica Mendax type helmets

The set will contain 5 different skulls.

To get a combined shipment please send me a message BEFORE making a payment

Upgrade your army with our exclusive upgrade pack! Space Marine not included.

Mendax type “Tribus” helmets: $10.00

Liber Daemonica Mendax type helmetsThe set will contain 5 different skulls.

To get a combined shipment please send me a message BEFORE making a payment

Upgrade your army with our exclusive upgrade pack! Space Marine not included.

These are just a few of the great head bits that Liber Daemonica has to offer. Make sure you visit their eBay Store and secure your set today!

Mendax type “Noctis” Helmets: $10.00

Mendax type “Taurus” helmets: $10.00

Mendax type “Tribus” helmets: $10.00