Introducing- Laser Cut Products from Tectonic!

By Rob Baer | June 22nd, 2013 | Categories: 40k News & Articles, Terrain

The guys from Tectonic Craft Studios will be on hand next weekend for SpikeyCon, selling their precision laser cut wares, talking about their innovative products, and more.

They launched their company last year, and have quickly grown to be a household name around the industry. Most recently they were at Adepticon and WargamesCon, and I’m sure they have more going on later in the year as well.

So stop by and checkout their awesome laser cut products, and talk some shop about the hobby we all love, or even pitch them on a new product!

From Tectonic Craft Studios’ site;
Tabletop miniatures games are a lot more than just games. Tabletop minis gaming is a hobby of strategy, tactics, modeling, painting, storytelling, dice-rolling, fun-having, and hanging out with your friends. They are as much about spatial relationships as they are personal ones.

They’re as much about making your army as they are playing and winning with them. As a whole, the tabletop minis hobby is a highly visual one. We spend hours and hours of converting, sculpting, painting, inking, and highlighting to make sure our armies look great!

About the Author: Rob Baer

Virginia Restless, Miniature Painter & Cat Dad.
I blame LEGOs. There was something about those little-colored blocks that started it all… Twitter @catdaddymbg