How to Paint Camouflage With Peachy!

Painting Camouflage Learn how to speed paint three different types of camouflage with this tutorial from Peachy and the Painting Phase!

Peachy has recently joined the Painting Phase and has started making excellent painting tutorials on YouTube! They also have a Patreon, so if you want to show some extra support and get great rewards, go check that out here!

If you’re looking for an easy way to make your new Imperial Guard blend in with their surroundings, this tutorial will help you tackle the steps without much hassle!

How to Paint Camouflage With Peachy & The Painting Phase!

painting CamouflageThey are printing the models out from We Print Miniatures, so you can grab the minis they use here.

painting Camouflage 2As we said, we’re going to look at three different styles, and Peachy recommends having a reference to look at while painting, whether this is pulling something up from online or like he did and painted the patterns before.

Painting Camouflage Style 1:

painting Camouflage 3He starts with an undercoat of Army Painter Army Green. After that is dry, he does a base coat with Death Lord Forrest; he just does a couple of coats to get good coverage. To start with the actual pattern, he uses Dark Stone from the Army Painter and does relatively large splotches all over the prints.

For the next set of splotches, he uses Ionrach Skin and des slightly smaller areas than before. Before moving to the next step, he does a thinned-down coat of Nuln Oil over the camo.

painting Camouflage 4Now for the armor, he’s not painting a basecoat on this, just going over the primer. He starts with Black Legion for the biggest splotches and then Mournfang Brown for the secondary color.

For a punch to the camo, he does a few little areas of Zandri Dust. Before moving to the next step, he does a thinned-down coat of Nuln Oil over the camo. He also does a quick pin wash with Black Legion to just make the armor and clothing look more distinct.

painting Camouflage 5He obviously painted up the rest of the mini, but the camo looks excellent and doesn’t take too long.

Style 2:

painting Camouflage 7Over a gray undercoat, he uses Russ Grey as a base coat. Now it’s time to start on the pattern, which uses horizontal lines more than splotches. He begins with Black Legion and does this where his reference shows him to. For the second color, he uses Bold titanium White and hits slightly less than with black. Next, he does a thinned-down coat of Nuln Oil over the camo.

painting Camouflage 6This one is super simple but looks great!

Style 3:

painting Camouflage 8This is probably the easiest way to paint Camouflage, as all you need is a sponge, not a steady hand. He uses Zandri Dust to base coat the clothing, now for the pattern. He puts WAAAGH! Flesh onto a sponge and just lightly dabs that all over the pants. He then continues the same process but with Mournfang Brown.

You can add a little extra detail by putting little dots from the brush of the same colors. Then, he does a thinned-down wash with Agrax Earthshade.

painting CamouflageThere you have it, three different styles and ways for how to paint camouflage!

Be sure to check out the full video below for all the tips, or you can check the links below for more content! 

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Have you checked out any of the new painting tutorials by Peachy, like how to paint camouflage, since he left Games Workshop? 

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About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Joined: 2019

Socials: @paschbass 

Bio: Dark Eldar Dracon and Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the third edition in 1998. He also loves camping because you can only paint so much! He joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the main daily writer since 2020.

Maybe one day, he’ll finish converting all his Ad Mech models and turn into a true tech enjoyer, complete with sad and happy robot noises!