Cosplay- MBG’s Stormtrooper Halloween Costume

By Rob Baer | October 29th, 2011 | Categories: Cosplay

As I write this parts are drying to feverishly made repairs to my Stormtrooper armor.

You see I was a big dummy, and left the armor in the store window for the summer, and well it took some direct hits from UV.

Apparently its pretty hard to get out UV damage from molded PVC plastic, so I just opted for, sigh….. completely repainting it.

So several coats of gloss white, and many more coats of gloss varnish later, the armor is almost ready to wear again. Many brain cells died in the process as well….

But soon Stormtrooper MKII will take to the streets of Richmond Va again, in style.

Check out this sweet CPU cooling system mod to keep my operating system frosty under the hot helmet.

Why would I go though so much work to keep fixing my armor all the time?

Cause chicks dig it.

Thank you Big Bang Theory for making Nerds mainstream.

Happy Halloween, be safe at your parties tonight -MBG TK-13176

About the Author: Rob Baer

Rob Baer

 rob avatar faceJob Title: Founder, Publisher, & Managing Editor

Founded Spikey Bits In 2009

Socials: Rob Baer on Facebook and @catdaddymbg on X

Bio: Spikey Bits started with Rob trying to stay motivated to hobby on his backlog of projects and share his knowledge with others during the early blogging era. Virginia restless, miniature painter & cat dad. He blames LEGOs as there was something about those little-colored blocks that started it all.

Scale model hobbyist in the 80s, miniature wargamer, and trading card player ever since. He’s played every edition of Warhammer 40k and Warhammer Fantasy since 5th Edition, but Titans of all sizes will always be his favorite! It’s rumored that his hobby vault rivals the Solemnance Galleries, containing rulebooks filled with lore from editions long past, ancient packs of black-bordered Magic Cards, and minatures made of both pewter and resin.