New Genestealer Cults 40k Greater Good Rules REVEALED!

genestealer cult wal hor RUMORS: More Genestealer Cult Codex Rules Spotted!Don’t miss all the new Genestealer Cults 40k rules as they emerge from the shadows in Psychic Awakening: The Greater Good.

Coming from The Glacial Geek on YouTube, he’s done an incredible breakdown of all the rules and datasheet changes coming inside Psychic Awakening: The Greater Good. Check out everything that the Genestealer Cults will be bringing to the table.

All the New Genestealer Cult Rules From The Greater Good

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GSC Custom Cult Creed Options

gsc wal 1Genestealer Cults are getting their own version of the Space Marine “pick two rules” for their Cult-wide rules. These are called Cult Creeds.

Cult Creed


Cult Creed 2

GSC getting in on the doctrine action is exciting news for all Xenos players! But they will have their time, for now, let’s look at these. Innate Fighters is awesome, as GSC has some really nasty units in melee that can abuse the rerolls to hit. On the other side of things, Seasoned Enforcers let the infantry move and shoot Heavy weapons!

GSC cult creed agile outridersIf you’ve got a stockpile of Bikers, you can ignore basically any penalty to hit that might come up from your end. Your mining lasers will be hitting on their flat 4+. But if you need more speed, you don’t have to sacrifice accuracy with your assault weapons after advancing either.

gsc cult creed unnatural symbiosisFor Unnatural Symbiosis, this is an OK trait to pick…Really, we can only see this in something like a fluffy/fn Psyker spam list. But based on what we’ve seen, the other GSC named cult creeds are much better.

Hopefully, the GSC have a few more good picks to take for players wanting to go completely custom.

GSC New Psychic Powers

GSC Psychic

Each psyker can opt to choose one of the above powers linked to their cult instead of the normal table if they so wish. With that being said, Synaptic Blast seems to be very potent. surround your psyker with small size bases to squeeze in models and unleash a huge spell and hopefully dishing out a huge amount of mortal wounds as well.  The 5++ from Undying Vigor seems pretty good for the Bladed Cog as well.

gsc psychic power mutagenic deviationTwisted Helix Aberrants were already good with the exclusive Monstrous Bio-horrors strat allowing them to pile in and fight twice. Now, they’re also going to be the prime synergy target for a new Psychic Power coming to the Twisted Helix called Mutagenic Deviation.

Basically, for a warp charge of 6, you pick on an enemy Infantry unit within 12″, turning everything that targets it in melee essentially a Blood Angel. Remember, this only goes to Infantry, but it definitely a nice added bonus going against a fat Intercessor squad or even Custodes. Another prime synergy for Aberrants to lay down the hurt.

New Cult Stratagems

GSC Strat

Onto the stratagems, Annihilating Advance is simple but may just be what you need. Considering the popularity of the Rockrinders, we will probably see this stratagem used a lot. Close Range Shoot Out is also very powerful as it gives you re-roll wounds for some jackals.

gsc stratagem prepared ambushPrepared Ambush is a cheap 1CP Strat that makes the most of a unit of Neophytes coming out of reserve. If they’re just out of range of rapid-fire, you can essentially turn their weapons into assault 2. This is nice because Neophytes can get wiped off the board fairly easily and tend not to hang around long. Especially if they come up in front of the enemy line.

GSC Strat 2

On the second set of stratagems, The Cults Psyche seems to be one of the better options. Not only do you get an extra psychic power cast, but all spells in that phase get the Ork like-ability to buff the cast roll based on the amount of nearby friendly psykers.

gsc stratagem the heart of the creedKeep in mind, you have to spend this Stratagem before the battle. But when you do, one Primus gets to use his Meticulous Planner ability twice. (once on two different units). This is perfect for a blob of rock saw Acolytes running into a Knight (dedicating the saws there) and something like a nearby Primaris unit/screen (putting rending claws here), you’ll be able to maximize your damage output for one unit. And that’s only if you bring one unit up from deepstrike to do work with.

If you’ve got more than one unit making it into combat around the Primus, you’ll have even more value in your favor. Just remember that Meticulous Planner only procs for friendly units that are within 6″ of himself.

Overall, for just 1CP and a required character you’ll almost always be taking in any GSC list, this Stratagem is money.

Hit play on the full review below, and make sure you subscribe to Glacial Geek on Youtube today!

And there you have it! The Genestealer Cults are getting some pretty hot tricks in the new book. After looking at the new goodies, what will you be experimenting with first? Did GSC just get more competitive?

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