The Tie/Fo Falls Back Into Formation For 2.0

X-Wing 2.0

Don’t miss the newest pre-order for your X-Wing 2.0 Collection as we take a look at the Tie/Fo Fighter Expansion from FFG.

The Tie/Fo is back and ready to take the fight to the Rebellion and seize power one and for all for the mighty First Order. Come and take a look and get your pre-orders in for this iconic ship!

“You and your friends are doomed. We will wipe your filth from the galaxy.”
–General Hux, Star Wars: The Last Jedi

TIE/fo Fighter Expansion Pack: $19.95

Get Yours For less From Miniature Market!

Tie/Fo X-wing 2.0


Developed using technologies pioneered for the Empire’s TIE Advanced program, the TIE/fo fighter is a shielded, mass-produced TIE fighter that the First Order can use to spread terror across the galaxy.

There are few things as dangerous as a well-trained squadron of Tie pilots and the first order have made some upgrades to this iconic fighter!

X-Wing 2.0

The TIE/fo Fighter Expansion Pack includes one fully assembled and beautifully painted miniature and all the ship cards, upgrade cards, and tokens you need to add one of these frightening fighters to your First Order squadrons. The strikingly detailed, pre-painted TIE/fo fighter miniature in this expansion is accompanied by twelve ship cards—including nine unique pilots—and five upgrades, giving you all the raw power you need to begin rebuilding the Empire.


X-Wing 2.0

This new addition might be the thing that put the First Order back in control of the galaxy one battle at a time. Make sure you secure your copy of the Tie /Fo fighter expansion and take the fight to the Rebel traitors!