GW’s 5 AoS Start Collecting Boxes UNBOXED!

By Rob Baer | July 30th, 2016 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, GW Bundle Deals, Product Review, Videos

aos start collecting box sets

If you’re looking for a great deal on getting into Age of Sigmar, and some nice BONUS rules as well, checkout these 5 boxed deals today!

Get your first look at the Start Collecting box sets that are all a HUGE savings over the normal MSRP pricing as well:

Age of Sigmar Start Collecting Boxes REVIEW 

Start Collecting! Sylvaneth $85


This is a great-value box set that gives you an immediate collection of fantastic Sylvaneth miniatures, which you can assemble and use right away in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar! You’ll receive a Branchwych, a Treelord, a set of sixteen Dryads and an exclusive Sylvaneth Warscroll Battalion rules sheet, allowing you to collect, assemble and play with your new miniatures right away!

Start Collecting! Flesh-eater Courts $85


This is a great-value box set that gives you an immediate collection of fantastic Flesh-eater Courts miniatures, which you can assemble and use right away in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar! You’ll receive a Terrorgheist, three Crypt Horrors, a set of ten Crypt Ghouls and an exclusive Flesh-eater Courts Warscroll Battalion rules sheet, allowing you to collect, assemble and play with your new miniatures right away!

Start Collecting! Khorne Bloodbound $85


This is a great-value box set that gives you an immediate collection of fantastic Khorne Bloodbound miniatures, which you can assemble and use right away in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar! You’ll receive a Slaughterpriest with Hack-blade and Wrath-hammer, ten Blood Warriors, three Bloodcrushers of Khorne and an exclusive Khorne Bloodbound Warscroll Battalion rules sheet, allowing you to collect, assemble and play with your new miniatures right away!

Start Collecting! Stormcast Eternals $85


This is a great-value box set that gives you an immediate collection of fantastic Stormcast Eternals miniatures, which you can assemble and use right away in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar! You’ll receive a Lord-Celestant, two Retributors, five Liberators, three Prosecutors and an exclusive Stormcast Eternals Warscroll Battalion rules sheet, allowing you to collect, assemble and play with your new miniatures right away!

Start Collecting! Ironjawz $85


This is a great-value box set that gives you an immediate collection of fantastic Ironjawz miniatures, which you can assemble and use right away in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar! You’ll receive an Orruk Warchanter, three Orruk Gore-gruntas, ten Orruk ‘Ardboyz and an exclusive Ironjawz Warscroll Battalion rules sheet, allowing you to collect, assemble and play with your new miniatures right away!

How do the new Star Collecting box set stack up money wise? Check out our break down below:

Ironjaws $85

  • Warchanter
  • 10 ‘Ardboyz
  • Gore Gruntas

MSRP:$144 Savings: $59.33

Stormcast Eternals $85

  • Lord Celestant
  • 2 Retributors
  • Prosecutors
  • Liberators

MSRP:$116 Savings: $31

Sylvaneth $85

  • Branchwych
  • Dryads
  • Treelord

MSRP:$125 Savings: $40

Flesh Eater Courts $85

  • Terrorgeist
  • Crypt Horrors
  • 10 Crypt Ghouls

MSRP:$125 Savings: $40

Khorne Bloodbound  $85

  • Slaughterpriest
  • 3 Skullcrushers
  • Blood Warriors

MSRP:$152 Savings: $67 

More great values are available for the Age of Sigmar, plus with 5 formations in each one to keep your eye on!

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