Savage Maul: Star Wars Destiny Team-Up

By Barclay Montgomery | December 14th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

Savage Opress

The deadly brotherhood between Maul and Savage Opress has finally come to Destiny! Use these brutal warriors to dominate your opponents!

Savage Opress

Savage Opress is tearing his way through all obstacles in his path in Destiny. Single-minded in his mission to engage the enemy, Savage Opress has an incredible amount of melee damage on his die. 4 out of the 6 sides on his character dice are dedicated to melee and he has 1 discard.

He is impatient to engage, having an ability that forces you to activate him as your first action each round, unless you spot Maul. The perfect companion to Savage Opress is none other than his brother! Maul

Maul has been around for a while, and he is still strong. His melee sides can be combined with Savage Opress’ melee to deal massive damage each round. His discard can also aid Savage, and Maul’s ability to remove a die after one of his dice are removed is just amazing. Keep the pressure on with their overwhelming melee damage and you will crush all in your path. Makashi Training

To add more melee prowess, use Makashi Training. This Blue ability adds more melee modifiers than Savage can handle and its built-in ability to remove a melee die in your pool for a melee die in your opponent’s pool can help with Maul’s removal game. The 1 shield and 1 resource can only make things easier for Savage Opress and Maul as they continue to dominate.

You Were My Friend

As a final removal tool, You Were My Friend can add even more headache for your opponent’s dice. This 1 cost event allows you to turn a character die to any side, whether it’s yours or an opponent’s. If you have more Blue cards in play than an opponent, you may remove that die. Either way, its dice manipulation with these famous Nightbrothers. Crush all who face you in Destiny with Savage Maul!

More Star Wars Destiny

About the Author: Barclay Montgomery

I’m a weird guy wargamer and hobby enthusiast. I’m like the Thing, I can take many forms. I could be a bounty hunter looking for Rebel prey, a commander of an Imperial fleet, or the Hive Mind of the Great Devourer of Worlds.