What’s Coming In Age of Sigmar’s Second Edition

stormcast on dracoth sigmar vandus wal hor

A new edition and a slew of models have just been announced for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar! Come see what is changing for AoS in June.

With Warhammer Fest practically spewing information out to the hobby community, we are taking a look at the news for AOS.

New Edition of AOS

It’s been confirmed that there will be a new edition coming out for Warhammer: Age Of Sigmar in June, and one major change will be no more shooting out of combat.

If we heard that right, in the video he said that we can use ALL of our hero abilities. Does this mean if we bring 3 different leaders we can use all 3 different command traits? Apparently, we won’t be able to shoot out of combat anymore which hurts some armies and buffs others.

They also have an FAQ up that explains more. Don’t go getting the lighter fluid out just yet... we can still use all our existing battletomes and models in the new edition.

Now let’s take a look at all the new models on the way for Sigmar and Death factions, as Nagash want’s his due from all this reforging the Stormcasts have been doing…

Nighthaunt Nastiness

The Nighthaunt are getting a ton of support with new models and their codex. The models look fantastic with the way the cloth seems to sway off the bones. Now, after than goosebump-giving video, We hope you saw what we saw…

sigmar video black coach

THE BLACK COACH! *cue gut-wrenching scream*. This model is being released and the detail is jaw-dropping. Who knows what rules it will have in a new edition of AOS and a battletome to partner with it.

Sarcosanct Chamber

Well. Sigmar did it. He’s opened another chamber and giving us the Stormcast wizards and artillery. These models look stunning and the fact that they are wizards are a fantastic addition to any Stormcast army. Simply because there are currently no wizards of course.

sigmar video

Looking similar in size to the black coach, this model is probably some sort of psychic powerhouse for the Stormcast Eternals.

sigmar video

Oh yeah, and they’re getting a quad-barreled “lightning artillery” That just sounds devastating.

Maligned Sorcery

malign sorcery

From the Warhammer blog itself:

You may have cast a Purple Sun before, but never like this – get ready for roaming, predatory spells, fantastical enchantments and summoned sorceries that aren’t just words on a warscroll but active (and very deadly) participants in your games.

malign sorcerymalign sorcery

So with the truckload of information, we shared, what do you think of the new miniatures? Do you like the idea of visible models representing spells throughout the tabletop?

What else do you think this new edition of AOS will have reworked? Let us know in the comments! Remember to Keep it locked here for more coverage, and check out all the pictures from the event below:

warhammer fest 2018

Latest from Warhammer Fest 2018