Join the Hunt With New Alternative Wulfen Models!

PGTM Werewolf infantry Alternative Wulfen 40kUnleash the primal fury of the Wulfen like never before with Pop Goes The Monkey’s stunning new alternative 40k Wulfen models!

Pop Goes the Monkey is always dropping some killer alternative bits for almost anything you could think of. They have also recently upgraded to Monkey Resin for their larger kits so that you can get high-quality resin minis for less. Now they’ve got several sets of Werewolf Infantry models that would work great as alternative Space Wolves Wulfen models!

5x Werewolf Infantry – 1st Squad: $45.99

5x Werewolf Infantry - 1st Squad 2 PGTM Werewolf infantry Alternative Wulfen 40k

If these look familiar, they are smaller versions of their previous Werewolf Calvary that made great-looking Thunder Wolves alternatives as well.

Given over to their mutated gene-seed these lycanthrope legionaries are only unleashed upon the worst enemies of the wolf legion. Smaller than their Cavalry-sized kin, these monstrous infantry are no less ferocious. Our customers have found these kits make great alternatives for a Wulfen squad.

5x Werewolf Infantry – 2nd Squad: $45.99

5x Werewolf Infantry - 2nd Squad

You can show off that cursed gene seed in great detail!

This kit includes 5 full-model Werewolf Infantry, roughly the size of a terminator. You can arm these werewolves with variety of weapons. Each squad kit contain at least; 4 shields, 2 great weapons and 7 hand weapons, including bare-handed claws. Additional arms and weapons options are sold separately. Bases are not included, but we do suggest our 40mm bases. 

5x Werewolf Infantry - 2nd Squad1

5x Werewolf Infantry – 3rd Squad: $45.99

5x Werewolf Infantry - 3rd Squad

This kit includes 5 full-model Werewolf Infantry, roughly the size of a terminator. You can arm these werewolves with variety of weapons. Each squad kit contain at least; 4 shields, 2 great weapons and 7 hand weapons, including bare-handed claws. Additional arms and weapons options are sold separately. Bases are not included, but we do suggest our 40mm bases. 

werewolf cavalry wulfen alternativesWhether you’re seeking to expand your 40k Space Wolves army or craving a new challenge on the tabletop, these models are sure to leave your opponents trembling in fear. With dynamic poses and intricate designs, they’re guaranteed to make a formidable addition to any collection.


Click Here to Get Your Space Wolves Alternative Wulfen!

About the Author: John Von Canon

John Von Canon

Joh Von Cannon Author PicJob Title: Staff Writer

Joined: 2023

Socials: @AtogOrTwo on X

Bio:  Gym rat by day and a hobby enjoyer by night, collector of Atogs and Atog accessories. John joined the Spikey Bits team in 2023 and has since been covering new products, trading card games, and RPGs. He spends his evenings running reps at his LGS for the full hobby experience. If you’re looking for niche and convoluted ways to sneak out a win in your next commander game, he’s your guy. He’s been walking planes and slinging mana since the release of Eldritch Moon back in 2016.