Necromunda Venator Gang WD Rules Revealed

By Rob Baer | May 3rd, 2018 | Categories: Necromunda, Tabletop Gaming News & Rumors

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More gangs have arrived for Necromunda. Come see the Venator rules that were just revealed from May’s issue of White Dwarf magazine.

Some lucky hobbyist already have the new issues of White Dwarf and are sharing pictures of the new Necromunda gang rules.

The Venators are a culmination of bounty hunters working together with a multitude of different backgrounds and skills. This is translated onto the tabletop by allowing the player to use forge world and mainstream plastic bounty hunters.

Images Courtesy of Scanner

Venator Rules:

Wily Venator Hunt leaders start off strong with having three primary skills with one including leadership. These new Venators are somewhat limited in their selection of allies. However, they are open to take both Dramatis Personae and hive scum which is a nice sprinkle of fluff into the game.

Venator rules necromunda may white dwarf magazine pdf

The hunt leaders’ profile selection looks to be able to fit any type of role that could be needed for the gang; creating a very strong building block for the player. In addition, the hunt champion has no equipment but also has no equipment restrictions.

He can be given any common and rare gear under a rating of eleven.

Looking at these new photos, it seems that the Venator gang will definitely be a force to be reckoned with as they can be given skills and equipment to comfortably fit any scenario or play style that the player requires.

Get the full rules for the new Venator gang from Scanner’s post here.

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About the Author: Rob Baer

Virginia Restless, Miniature Painter & Cat Dad.
I blame LEGOs. There was something about those little-colored blocks that started it all… Twitter @catdaddymbg