Defy gravity with the new Troupe models, in our latest first look review.
The new models are here, and man these may just be some of the coolest looking designs they’ve put out to date.
You get six models in the Troupe box, four which includes the options to make a Troupe master. Overall you get six sets of legs all ninja flippin’ about a rocky base, and the ability to make seven different torso combinations, three of which have the sweet jackets.
Weapons wise there’s a full six kisses, two embraces and caresses, as well as two disruptors and fusion pistols.
The really neat part is all the masques you can make with the separate face masks and there is a couple of extra full masked heads to boot!
These guys got a brand new decal sheet to apply to their outfits too.Don’t get your lazy painter hopes up though guys – there is no checker pattern decals to save you time here.
They also come with the ‘standard’ 25mm bases too, which may mean some of the ‘physically smaller’ races may not make the jump over to 32mm size.
Get close enough to touch the new Harlequin models in my first look video review below.