How To Play Stormcasts – Tips & Tactics Rules Review

By Zeb Barrett | February 22nd, 2017 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Tips & Tactics, Videos

Come take a look at our longest Tips & Tactics yet, and get a good look at the changes you should expect from the new Stormcast Eternals Battletome!

As were were looking more and more at this book we realized there is an overwhelming amount of new content and changes from the old Battletome to the new Battletome.

stormcast eternals battletome tips & tactics

Every unit that was featured in the old Battletome is the same in the new Battletome with an exception of the Knight-Vexillor. They took away the ability to pick up something, port it, and land anywhere 3″ or more away from your enemy. Now you can not land within 9 inches unless you are using the Knight- Azyros’ ability Leader of the Way which allows you to land up to 5″ away from an enemy.

stormcast eternals battletome tips & tactics

The Lord Aquilor is the new Chocobo rider and he seems like he is worth the point cost of 200 pts. He has decent stats all around and his command ability is pretty good, allowing you to grab any of the newer units and remove them into reserve and come back on the table next turn, outflanking your enemy. When the units come back on the battlefield they must be set up within 6″ of the table edge and more than 7″ away from an enemy.

stormcast eternals battletome tips & tactics

Our favorite out of the new Warscroll Battalions would have to be the Knights Excelsior Exemplar Chamber. All of the abilities seem to be very good, and if it contains the max number of battalions then you also gain the Lightening Strike and Martial Bond abilities, which are also very good.

There is way too much in this new book to go over in an article, so make sure you watch the video below to catch many things we may have missed.

Battletome: Stormcast Eternals$40

stormcast eternals battletome

A glorious vision of golden celestial light, a living embodiment of the God-King’s might, the Stormcast Eternals are messengers of vengeance armed with the might of stars. Once-mortal champions of Order forged by Sigmar into an astonishing fighting force, hurled down from the heavens to meet the forces of Chaos head-on, they wreak bloody revenge on the Dark Gods, the corruptors of the realms. Following the brutal battles of the All-gates, the Stormcast Eternals lead the forces of Order in reclaiming the lands of the Mortal Realms, leveraging the power of the heavens to smite the corruptions of Chaos that plague these territories.

This 164-page hardback Battletome is dedicated to the combined forces of the Stormcast Eternals, including the Extremis Chamber. It contains:

– Forces of the Stormcast Eternals – a huge compilation of rules and abilities for all Stormcast Eternals armies, including the new Scions of the Storm Battle Trait, allowing you to deploy in the Celestial Realm and join the battle where they are most needed;
– Plenty of ways to customise your games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar for Open, Narrative and Matched Play;
– Lots of ways to customise your Stormcast armies – new Command Traits, Blessed Weapons, Enchanted Armour, Magical Artefacts, Treasured Standards, Mystic Lights and Prayers of the Stormhosts;
– Steeds of the Celestial Realm – new exceptional traits for heroes riding Dracoths, Stardrakes and Gryph-chargers;
– Warscrolls for the full Stormcast Eternals range, featuring points for every model, and a massive 29 Warscroll battalions – many detailing the Stormhosts who have taken part in the battle for the Mortal Realms so far;
– Path to Glory rules and Warband tables allowing you to put together your own Strike, Extremis or Vanguard Auxiliary Chambers;
– a host of uniform guides, as well as background for every unit, character and monster of the Stormcast Eternals, along with an explanation of the typical Stormhost organisation.

Head over to Games Workshop and pick up your copy of the new Stormcast Eternals Battletome for yourself and see all that has changed!

About the Author: Zeb Barrett

I am a huge gamer from miniature war gaming, to board games, to video games. When I’m not hanging out with my son, I try to spend all of my free time gaming in some sort of way and broadcasting on Twitch with my wife. I also like to do some video editing and throw up videos on our YouTube.

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