The newest embodiment of the Great Horned rat is here, and you even get to pick your own flavor!
That’s right the new Verminlord is here he has five different assembly options to chose from!
Plus each of those versions has their own rules set as well! Speaking of which, if you’re missing a copy of its’ rules be sure to checkout our coverage of White Dwarf #49 for the full rules review.
Clocking in at two full sprues for $90 USD it’s not the worse value for you money, but we have seen better IMHO.
What you can’t say for the price you can definitely say for the detail, this model has it in spades. From intricately sculpted rat fur to multiple weapon options, this new model is a kit bashers dream!
I think it’s fair to say that this new lord of the End Times is yet another great looking model that I would be proud to field on my tabletop!
Get your dose of the End Times in my view unboxing and review below, and don’t miss our special End Times Rumor Roundup Thread for up to the minute coverage of breaking news!