Ork Commission Painting Hacks

By Drago | November 1st, 2018 | Categories: Hobby Hacks, How To Tutorial, Next Level Painting, Orks, Videos

Getting Orks painted well for commissions is incredibly easy if you follow a few steps. Take a look at this quick way of getting your Orks ready for battle!

Orks are popular! With so many Ork models coming out, getting them onto the table fast and easy can appear daunting. Follow these steps for easy and amazing Orks that will look fantastic on the tabletop! Be sure to watch the entire video below!

Ork Commission Painting Hacks

ork base layer

To get that Ork still started, mix Thamar Black with Necrotite Green from P3 in the airbrush, along with some flow improver. Slowly begin to spray over the model in thin coats. Don’t linger in any one area for too long. Go down the line and spray all the Orks in this way.

Once you’re done, the first model sprayed will be dry enough to move on. For the next step, add more Necrotite Green to the mix to create brighter colors. Spray over the model from the top down, aiming for the large muscle groups.

flash gitz highlight

You’ll need to spot highlight and target some muscles (such as the pecks). Continue to add greens to the pot until you have pure green for that final pop of green on the top. Finally, add in Flash Gitz Yellow for the final spot highlight, exaggerating the highlight.

ork brown base

Brush paint Army Painter Dark Stone over all the trim and accessories on the model. This brown helps base the leathers and metallics, as well as has a great way of building up reds. Glaze over the brown leathers with Secret Weapon Old Mud like a highlight.

Then glaze over the shoulder pads with Evil Sunz Scarlet to get a good base. Keep going back and forth, adding highlights and building up the colors.


For the metals, P3 Cold Steel is brushed over metal areas in long, swooping strokes similar to dry brushing. This way, the brown comes through and appears scratched. The brush can be a bit wet, so it’s not a true dry brushing, however, it will be faster and work better than going back and adding in scratches manually later.

Block in the other colors and details including hair, final red bits, tongue, teeth, and any other accessories, building up the colors to very bright colors. Starting with one area and moving down the line helps get the entire line of Orks done.

Highlight the face up with that bright green, using dots and light lines to pop the face and ear features out. If you are doing a lot of Orks on commission, pick one or two spots on the model to really pop, such as the face and shoulder pads. Those areas will get your most attention.

ork commission painting hacks

Flesh Wash by Army Painter is dabbed onto the browns to create a reddish-brown tint and give a nice contrast to the silver and green. Then mix Dark Tone into Flesh Wash and dab it over all the metals and teeth. Do not let this pool- use water or flow improver to help the wash move around more.

With the washes done, the Ork is ready for the tabletop! Any other details added will take your tabletop commission level Orks to that next level. Using paint mixing, glazing, drybrushing, and washes, a group of 60 Orks can be done quickly. Be sure to check out all the tips and tricks by watching the entire video below!