Table Ready Deathwing Bone Armor Painting Tutorial

jack of clubs painting deathwing tutorial dark angelsJack of Clubs Painting is bringing in a new painting tutorial on how to paint Deathwing. Get ready for a new take with a new set of paints!

Jack of Clubs is ready to start painting some Deathwing Space Marines. A Primaris Aggressor is a great test subject for a new Deathwing paint recipe. Having been upgraded with Deathwing bits, this model is ready to receive the Jack of Clubs treatment.

How To Paint: Deathwing

Starting off with a brown primer will help create a great base for our Deathwing theme. Pro Acryl Olive Flesh is the first color to start building up a good base color. The brightness will help bring a nice contrast to our detail work. This color scheme will be less dynamic than other Space Marine paint schemes, but will still look great on the tabletop.

How To Paint: Deathwing

Pro Acryl Ivory will help pick out certain detail aspects of our Deathwing model. High angle sprays with an airbrush keep our dark shadows in the recesses. Citadel Dark Angels Green helps pick out the Deathwing bits on our model. Pro Acryl Burnt Red will act as a base color for our emblem bits and shoulder pads. Go light on the red to accent the green and off white colors.

How To Paint: Deathwing

Scale 75 Necro Gold helps cover out holy relics on our Deathwing Aggressor. Some black paint with pluck foam helps add a nice paint chipping and weathering effect for added character. Mr. Weathering Color is a great wash to help finish up our Deathwing model, ready for the tabletop.

How To Paint: Deathwing

And there you have a table ready Deathwing Primaris Aggressor model! Jack of Clubs has done it again with another amazing painting tutorial.

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About the Author: Barclay Montgomery

I’m a weird guy wargamer and hobby enthusiast. I’m like the Thing, I can take many forms. I could be a bounty hunter looking for Rebel prey, a commander of an Imperial fleet, or the Hive Mind of the Great Devourer of Worlds.