Creating Primaris Models Made The Hobby Better: Here’s Why

gone-primaris-better-hobbyBy creating the Primaris Space Marines, GW made the 40k hobby better. From conversions to theme, here are our thoughts on why this may just be true…

Games Workshop has released all kinds of Primaris miniatures since the start of 8th edition, but they’ve also created this “divide” between their own line. Some players feel that regular Space Marines are going obsolete. So, naturally, it’s caused some stress for fans whose favorite characters haven’t made the switch in the rubicon (truth be told they may not be wrong).

Because of this, and combined with the better scaling that Primaris models have, hobbyists have been putting in serious work making dope conversions. We’ll be showing you some of our favorite conversions we’ve featured, but this is just the tip of the iceberg!

Although all of the models we’ll go over have been converted to look Primaris, they use normal Marine rules-ish. 

GW Creating Primaris Has Made The Hobby Better- Here’s Why

primaris gabriel seth 1

Primaris Gabriel Seth Conversion

We’ve got Gabriel Seth wearing some Phobos armor here. Using bits from his regular Marine model, his cloak, shoulder plates, and Bloodreaver were all tacked on with greenstuff and some glue.

primaris gabriel seth 2 The base Primaris model came from the Infiltrator Primaris kit. Luckily, they’ve got a bald head option to fit Gabe’s profile.

Primaris Azrael Conversion

primaris azrael 3Painted up by the Wobbly Modelers, they brought Azrael to life in an incredible Primaris conversion. Keeping his basic wargear, they’ve just scaled him up as a Primaris and threw in some free-hand work.

primaris azrael 1

Primaris Smash Captains (Easily the Most Popular Between Players)

primaris smash captain 1We all know that Primaris Captains don’t have any of the fun wargear like jump packs and thunder hammers. But Primaris-modeled Smash Captains are easily the most popular conversion among Space Marine players.

primaris smash captain 2Here, we’ve got a Smash Captain in an Inceptor suit with some Sanguinary Guard Wings on the back of his jump pack. Just to really signify the two jump pack relics the Blood Angels have to choose from now.

primaris smash captain 3You know that if you run more than one Smash Captain, you want one to take a storm shield and one to go without. You send the shieldless Smash Captain in first. Being that he’s easier to kill, you pop the Only in Death does Duty End strat to have him fight as he dies. By paying fewer points for this guy, you can essentially get to fight twice in the early game for a low cost of 2CP.

primaris smash captain 4This guy was converted to have a chain hammer to show the +1 damage weapon ability you can throw on characters now thanks to Master Crafted Weaponry.

Primaris Smash Chaplain Conversion

primaris smash chaplain 1Smash Chaplains are a thing now. But they’re only good if they’re mobile. This Chaplain model used the regular Primaris Chaplain as the foundation. But the normal Rosarius on the backpack was clipped off and glued to the end of his scepter.

primaris smash chaplain 2Plus, the only Sanguinor jump pack/wings were thrown on the model to make use of the other jump pack relic that Blood Angels have access to now.

Honorable Mention: The Pre-Primaris Mephiston Conversion

Blood AngelsComing from Iron Keep studios, this conversion has quite a few years under its belt. But the hobbyists that created this awesome work didn’t really vibe with the way that the old Mephiston model look. Taking things into their own hands, they threw in bits like Ahriman’scape, and various Blood Angel upgrade bits for this guy.

Blood AngelsHis psychic hood is even made out of shaped plasticard!

All of these conversions were done by fans in the community that has taken a liking to the Primaris proportions, which in itself may just be GW’s official adoption of “True-Scale” conversions from the early 2000s. If you’re getting tired of waiting on your character to get an official GW Primaris kit, just convert your own!

If you keep on converting, before you know it you’ll have a unique collection that’ll be your “fingerprint” in the hobby world.

Has creating the Primaris made the hobby better? Have you made any Primaris conversions?  

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!

About the Author: Wesley Floyd

Imperial fanboy, tabletop fanatic, King of sprues.