New Myphitic Blight-Hauler & Cohort of Felthius PICS

By Rob Baer | November 23rd, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

blight hauler

Today we’re finally getting a look at pictures of some of the rumored new releases for the Death Guard from December’s White Dwarf.

These pages from the newest White Dwarf was just spotted first on 4chan, and are now making the rounds giving us a showcase look at what appears to some of the new ETB releases that were spotted last week.

Myphitic Blight-Hauler $25 Pre-Order Dec 16th, Release Dec 23rd

Next up is the Cohort of Felthius:

Cohort of Felthius: $40 Pre-Order Dec 16th, Release Dec 23rd

So just like we saw last week, it looks like the Death Guard and Primaris are in for some more new releases soon along with Sly Marbo on the same day as well:

ETB Kits

So can we can expect to see new easy to build kits (ETB) for the Redemptor Dread, Aggressors, Lord Felthid and his court, and the Plague Hauler all on December 23rd? Aside from the

Make sure you’re checking back in with us for the latest updates, we’ll be posting them as soon as we get them.

We’re also seeing some new 40k and AoS bundles coming our way just in time for the holidays. But, are they really worth their weight in gold? Let’s take a look.

Battleforce Boxes

Genestealer Cults Insurrection $170

32 models
1x Goliath $60
1x Broodcoven $60
1x Neophyte Hybrid box $40
1x Neophyte Hybrid Squad (10 Cadians, 1 Cadian Heavy Weapons Team, 1 Genestealer Cult Upgrade Frame) $45
1x Acolyte Hybrid Box $40

Total Cost: $245
Total Savings: $75

Orks Kult of Speed $170

22 models
1x Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun $37
1x box of Bikers $41.25
1x Battlewagon $66
1x Trukk $37.25
1x Ork Boyz box $29
1x Ork Lootas box $25

Total Cost: $235.50
Total Savings: $65.50


Battleforce Boxes

Astra Militarum Battlegroup $170

31 models
1x Leman Russ Battle Tank $49.50
1x Sentinel $30
1x Chimera $37.25
1x Cadian Command Squad $25
2x Cadian Shock Troops boxes $29
1x Ogryn box $47

Total Cost: $217.75
Total Savings: $47.75

T’au Empire Rapid Insertion Cadre $170

24 models
1x Commander in Crisis Suit $50
1x Ghostkeel $75
1x Crisis Suit Team $75
2x Stealth Suit Teams $54

Total Cost: $254
Total Savings: $84

For Warhammer Age of Sigmar, you’ll be able to pick up a Vanguard Chamber’s worth of Stormcast Eternals, the beginnings of a terrifying Death army, a horde of Tzeentch Arcanites and a Sky-fleet’s worth of Kharadron Overlords. Like their Warhammer 40,000 counterparts, these boxes save you money and contain a wide range of miniatures to add to your army, but as an added bonus, each box contains a Warscroll Battalion for using it in your games!

Battleforce Boxes

Stormcast Eternals Vanguard Brotherhood $170

32 models
2x boxes of Vanguard Raptors(6 models per box; the birds count) $35
1x Lord-Aquilor $40
1x Vanguard Hunters box $60
1x Vanguard Palladors box $60
1x Gryph-Hounds box $25

Total Cost: $220
Total Savings: $50

Blade of the Blood Queen $170

34 models
1x Mortarch $80
1 box of Morghast $60
2x boxes of Skeletons $24.75
1x Wight King $14.75
1x box of Grave Guard $41.2

Total Cost: $244.75
Total Savings: $74.75

Battleforce Boxes

Tzeentch Arcanites Changecult $170

47 models
2x Skyfire boxes $70
1x box of Kairic Acolytes $50
2x boxes of Tzaangor $80
1x Shaman $35

Total Cost: $235
Total Savings: $65

Kharadron Overlords Sky Fleet $170

16 models
1x Frigate $80
1x Gunhauler $50
1x Admiral $25
1x box of Arkanaut Company $45
1x box of Endrinriggers $40

Total Cost: $240
Total Savings: $70

Now looks like it’s going to be the perfect time to expand your army, or start a new one, with these Battleforce boxes as well for the holidays. Is there anything you’re planning on picking up for the hobbyist in your life? Or are you planning on treating yourself to a little something extra? Let us know in the comments below.

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