Petition to Bring the Plaguecaster to the Rest of the World

unlock-plaguecaster deathguardThe Death Guard Plaguecaster and paint set was released exclusively to Japan, and there is a petition going around to bring it to the rest of us.

Would GW actually bring a mini to bigger production because of a petition? We don’t know, but it can’t hurt. The petition over on Change.org organized by Kay Golob has been set up to try just that.

It just doesn’t seem fair the rest of the world is left without such an amazing mini. Obviously, you can buy it from scalpers, but it’s going for over $50 and that is pretty high for one mini. That price doesn’t even include the paint set that came with the release either…

It only takes a few seconds to sign and if those few seconds bring the mini to the rest of us and save you like $30, that’s a pretty good hourly rate!

Petition to Bring the Plaguecaster to the Rest of the World

space marine heroes paint setThis is the box we all want. Japan already has tons of cool stuff, why should they be the only ones to get this really amazing set? While we’re not saying this will happen, again, it can’t hurt to sign a little petition and possibly grab another cool set. They have also been putting out releases for factions after the initial release is done, so there is some precedence for it. Just look at the stuff that is just now coming out for the Space Marines and Necrons.

Let’s look at everything that came with the set.

DG Paint

Just like the previous Heroes paint set this one came with the following:

  • 1x Miniature
  • 12x Paints
  • 1x Paintbrush

These boxes are designed to be a welcome mat into the hobby. Buyers get a decent amount of paints and can even build the mini without shelling out another $20 on clippers and glue. It’s not a bad deal for someone who’s brand new and just wants to test the water!


sm hero 3 2


scabboth sprue


As for Scabboth, it looks like he fits the bill of a Malignant Plaguecaster nicely!

If you want this mini and set as well, don’t forget to go sign the petition!

Do you think GW would ever listen to a petition for something like this? Were you hoping this would get released to the rest of the world?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! You can also support us on Patreon and get ad-free access to the site, plus a ton of minis that helps support some of the best creators out there!